Doctor Who 5x13

Jun 26, 2010 19:14


That was epically fantastically awesome!

Huw wondered how they could have anything this episode because the universe ended. The whole "time catching up echoes" thing worked fine for me, particularly as I'd just played The Adventure Games, where it's a big plot point.

Also, the exploding TARDIS as Sol? Perfect. The major league plant from the Weeping Angels two-parter - OH, MOFFAT, YOU SPOIL US! Now, it makes so much more SENSE!

Rory waiting two thousand years? Beautiful. A revisit from little Amelia? Fantastic. One random Dalek that River exterminated after it called for MERCY? I love River - marry ME, darling!

The Pandorica restoring everything in combination with explodey!TARDIS? Works for me. And then the Doctor digging in to Amy's subconscious - and giving us the lovely, twee, quaint, TOTALLY WHOVIAN 'something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue' (nearly completely ruined for me by my Nanna insisting on talking over most of the Doctor's speech - grrr).

And Rory's little 'It's the Doctor! How could we forget The Doctor?'. A wedding that was adorable, with TWO FULLY-CHARACTERISED COMPANIONS, HUZZAH! And a lovely River/Doctor setup for next season.

As well as Cleopatra on the Orient Express with the Queen/King? Sounds like a case for Poirot, but I will definitely take it.

I have nothing but praise for the acting, writing, production and all. What a fantastic end to a fantastic season!

Stephen, darling, you can stay.

doctor who, review, tv

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