TV Show Meme

Jun 13, 2010 21:57

Stolen lovingly from ladybugkay:

Day 1 - A show that never should've been cancelled

My little fandom-of-three show - Jake 2.0. I loved the little run of the computer-geek-turned-spy drama, with Kyle of the pretty eyes and some kick-ass sci fi fun.

Unfortunately, it fell to Chris Gorham's curse and Fox's intolerance of everything.

Day 02 - A show that you wish more people were watching

CASTLE! I mean, what's not to love? Nathan Fillion is a crime novelist who solves murders with Stana Katic's awesome detective. With the lovely Jon Huertas and Seamus Deaver fulfilling both the pretty and slashy quota, how can you not watch this awesome?

Day 03 - Your favourite new show (aired this TV season)

Glee! I do love that show. It's the singing and the diversity and the mainstream love of those things. I hope the next two seasons are just as good.

Day 04 - Your favourite show ever

Ooh, this is tough. Setting aside levels of obsession at the time of airing, I'd say the one that holds my dearest love is Stargate Atlantis. It built on my love of Stargate SG-1, which was awesome for four seasons and then went downhill, and my love of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - my favourite ST series, which is the one set on the space station.

It worked really well as an ensemble in the first two seasons, with a fantastic character mix and I could ship absolutely everybody in that show. I was resistant to the casting changes, but actually, they all came off well in the end, with a worthy finale.

Day 05 - A show you hate

I think that, unfortunately, this award must go to Torchwood. For Season 3. For killing off their three best characters. And, unfortunately, for John Barrowman's acting.

And now for taking the thing on a world tour and away from BBC Wales. Seriously, Rusty, WTF?

Day 06 - Favourite episode of your favourite TV show

My favourite Atlantis episode is an old one - "Hot Zone". Rodney exposed to a contagion, with Carson trying to save him, and this adorably emotional scene between the two of them. Though, definitely, "Duet" has to be right up there - another great Carson/Rodney episode, and who could forget that kiss? ;)

Day 07 - Least favourite episode of your favourite TV show

"Ghost in the Machine" - where they killed Elizabeth without Torri even being there. :(

Day 08 - A show everyone should watch

Well, again, Castle. But if we're going with old TV shows, everyone should watch at least one Star Trek series. And while my favourite is DS9, it should probably be TOS. It's classic sci fi and I do love it.

Day 09 - Best scene ever

I think Merlin has to take this because I've watched that scene more times than I can count - when Merlin drinks poison for Arthur in "The Poisoned Chalice". A close second would be in "The Labyrinth of Gedref" where Arthur drinks poison for Merlin. ;)

Aaand...the scene in "Two Cathedrals" from The West Wing, where the President rails at God. Fantastic.

Day 10 - A show you thought you wouldn't like but ended up loving

Fullmetal Alchemist. When I was first introduced to it as an anime, I thought it was horrifically violent and distressing. And then I fell in love with the characters, even the ones I couldn't stand like Roy Mustang. It's pretty awesome, really, and if you only ever watch one anime, FMA should be it.

Day 11 - A show that disappointed you

Torchwood. Over and over and over again.

Day 12 - An episode you've watched more than 5 times

All of Merlin Season 1. "Meridian" in Stargate SG-1. Season 1 of The West Wing. "Sectionals" from Glee.

Day 13 - Favourite childhood show

Well... Postman Pat, Thomas the Tank Engine and all that...then Star Trek: The Next Generation, Battlestar Galactica (original flava), and lots of classic sci fi...before Stargate SG-1 was my first fannish show, before I loved The West Wing and Smallville and Stargate Atlantis.

Day 14 - Favourite male character

Lee Adama. For being made of Jamie Bamber. ;)

Day 15 - Favourite female character

CJ Cregg. She is a kickass woman.

Day 16 - Your guilty pleasure show

The Big Bang Theory. I'm really not a sit com girl, but I do love a good dose of geekery.

Day 17 - Favourite mini series

Angels in America. I cried. A lot.

Day 18 - Favourite title sequence

Firefly. Titles were awesome before they got all minimalist about them.

Day 19 - Best TV show cast

Stargate Atlantis, with Castle a close second. Fantastic actors all.

Day 20 - Favourite kiss

Only one? Pfft. Kirk/Uhura in TOS for being the first interracial kiss. Kara/Lee when she brings back the Arrow of Apollo - it was just so natural. Josh/Donna - FINALLY! Rodney/Carson in "Duet" ;). Will/Emma in "Sectionals". Jack/Ianto in "End of Days".

I do love a good kiss.

Day 21 - Favourite ship

This is an impossible question. But...Sam/Daniel, because I loved them first. Merlin/Arthur because it makes me happy.

Day 22 - Favourite series finale

Stargate: Atlantis. Star Trek: DS9.

Day 23 - Most annoying character

Archer in Enterprise. Self-righteous annoying bastard.

Day 24 - Best quote

"I'm just saying - if you were in an accident, I wouldn't stop for a beer."
"If you were in an accident, I wouldn't stop for red lights. Thanks for taking me back."

Day 25 - A show you plan on watching (old or new)

I need to finish Battlestar Galactica. And I need to watch TOS end-to-end. I also need to catch Bradley Whitford's new cop drama.

Day 26 - OMG WTF? Season finale


Day 27 - Best pilot episode

Castle. The West Wing. Stargate SG-1. Stargate Atlantis. Smallville. (This is actually the point where I list all my shows, because I LOVE a good pilot!)

Day 28 - First TV show obsession

Stargate SG-1 - first fandom, first fanfic, first ship, first mailing list, first fan campaign, first convention, first Net-to-RL friends. It really does win them all.

Day 29 - Current TV show obsession

Probably Castle. I've signed up to a ficathon. >.>

Day 30 - Saddest character death

Carson. After his friends wouldn't go fishing with him, he ended up in harm's way and then bravely sacrificed himself carrying a bomb. Utterly tragic.

Slightly improved by there being a clone of him hanging around.

As for saddest death scenes, that one has to go to Tosh and Owen. I bawled. And it completely tore at me. Damn you, Rusty!

stargate, bsg, meme: fandom, glee, tv, fma, smallville, torchwood, castle, j20, atlantis, merlin

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