Doctor Who: The End of Time Part 2

Jan 01, 2010 20:05

Goodbye David Tennant. You were awesome. And I'm almost certain there were some meta tears in there.

John Simm and Bernard Cribbins also rocked the house. The Doctor/Master was strong, and beautiful (The Doctor's word XD), and I adored the little conversation scenes.

The plot was, IMO, unnecessarily contrived and random as Hell, but mostly just a vehicle for the rest of the awesome. And the revelation that the blasted Time Lords were bastards and sent The Master mad in the first place.

I liked the little scenes towards the end, the Doctor touching the lives of everyone for their benefit (apart from the case of Rose, which was purely selfish). I liked Jack/Alonso, and gives me a faint hope of a next Torchwood season - not that he can replace Ianto, you understand, but because he's a cute character. The Mickey/Martha was completely unnecessary and a tiny bit...well, I won't go there. Anyway, Doctor FTW!

And then we said goodbye, and I cried, and there was Matt Smith. Very Ten-like but it could be good. He still looks freakin weird though.

In short, I love Tennant, and I will miss him. It was a good send-off. Here's to the next project, David!

doctor who, review

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