FIC: A King's Ransom (12/12) Merlin: Merlin/Arthur, PG-13

Apr 30, 2009 18:32

TITLE: A King's Ransom (12/12)
AUTHOR: Demon Faith
SERIES: Love and Loyalty
CATEGORY: Hurt/Comfort, Drama
PAIRING: Merlin/Arthur
SPOILERS: For Season 1 (AU after 1x5: Lancelot)
WORDS: 508
SUMMARY: Camelot is burning. A Dragon's call, a Seer's voice and discord between lovers do battle in the fight for a kingdom - but can anyone truly emerge victorious?
DISCLAIMER: I own not the boys, nor the show. Thankfully, they’re doing just fine.
NOTES: Sequel to Fealty. Previous parts here
I really wasn't going to do this, but this savage little bunny latched on to my leg and wouldn't let go.
This is dedicated to The Coven and the Dragon. He knows why.
Merlin nodded vigorously, shaking the king's hand, as Arthur was clapped on the shoulder by his father. It almost felt like he had found his place again.


"I didn't expect to feel at home there."

Arthur picked up another chicken leg, before throwing one to his left. "Was it because it was different? Or was it because no one cared what I wore, what I said, what I did?"

"I do not believe that to be true."

Sighing, Arthur leaned back on his arms. "Maybe. I didn't think I'd miss it either."

"Destiny cannot be delayed forever."

Arthur snorted. "You would say that." He paused. "I didn't want to destroy Geraint. There were...children there."

"He...chose for them, when he would not surrender, would not allow you to take his people within Camelot's walls. It was not your order, and it is not your blame."

Smiling, Arthur looked up at his companion. "You have an answer for everything, don't you?"

"Indeed, young Pendragon." The Dragon ruffled his wings and glanced up at the sky. "Soon, it will rain."

"Having fun?"

Arthur looked round to see Merlin standing behind him, grinning. "It's not polite to sneak up on people, Merlin."

"There was no sneaking." Merlin flopped down on the blanket and tore off a hunk of bread. "Dragon."

"A pleasure, young warlock. We were discussing your village."

"I miss it," Merlin said quietly. Arthur laid a hand over his, and Merlin smiled at him.

"All things must end," the Dragon intoned.

"Except Destiny, apparently." Arthur lay back on the blanket, hands resting behind his head. "What's next anyway?"

"The waters of Destiny may not easily be traversed."

"You don't know, do you?" Arthur said, pointing a finger at the Dragon. "Some prophet you are!"

"Arthur, you might want to think twice before taunting the magical creature."

"I taunt you all the time."

Merlin rolled his eyes. "I don't breathe fire, Arthur."

"No, but Morgana does." Arthur smirked at his own joke, stretching out his shoulder carefully. It was still a little stiff in the mornings and he was still not training at his peak.

"I will leave you in peace, young ones. Fare well."

"Good hunting, Dragon," Arthur said, nodding to him with a respect he never thought he'd feel. Merlin merely waved, as the creature took to the air and quickly disappeared over the trees.

"The Dragon likes you, the king likes me - I think the world is upside down." Merlin tucked himself into Arthur's side, resting his head on his good shoulder. Arthur placed an arm around him and shut his eyes.

"I could just fall asleep right now."

There was a huff of breath on his ear and Merlin placed a kiss to the corner of his mouth. "There are better things."

Arthur opened one eye, a smile playing on his lips. "Mmm?"

Merlin grinned. "It's a beautiful day, no one around-"

It started to rain, soaking them in seconds. Arthur growled and grabbed hold of Merlin's hand, running for cover. "Why is that creature always right?"

Suddenly, Merlin pushed him back against a tree, eyes sparkling with mischief and gold. "Merlin? What are you doing?"

"Protecting you," he said, and kissed him.

love and loyalty, merlin, fic

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