Doctor Who Christmas Thing

Dec 25, 2008 20:21

Let us count the ways this was better than last year's:

1) None of the main characters died ('cept the villain, and that's allowed)

2) You brought the tragedy and the comedy - in fact, it was cathartic and impressive - and AGAIN nobody had to die! Bravo!

3) You introduced a moving character, with a good actor, and had him influence the Doctor's feelings AND (mostly) not fall in love with him. Good, good.

4) Okay, so we had the feisty companion who fell in love with the "Doctor", but she was kick-arse, so we forgive you.

5) Dervla Kirwin! Shame she had to die - would've liked her back, really.

6) MASSIVE ROBOT! I mean, does it get cooler than that? Titanic - who cares?


8) Nostalgia! Not only to we get a little Time Lord parade, we also get the Doctor talking about his poor brainwashed Donna and his heart-breaky Rose. Loved it.

9) The Doctor spends Christmas Day with friends. Win, BBC - have an internet!

christmas, doctor who, review

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