Christmas Drabbles!

Dec 24, 2008 18:34

Hey y'all. As most of you know, I probably will be on here Christmas Day, but if you aren't:

Merry Christmas!

And here are the gifts for those what asked!

clearillusion: Merlin/Arthur, Yuletide celebrations

It didn't surprise him that, as at all other times of year, Arthur was demanding at Yule.

"Merlin, carry the tree home."
It's twice my size! Prat.

"Merlin, skin the deer for the table."
Arthur knows I don't have time for this. Royal prat.

"Merlin! Remove that holly from my bedroom!"
Just wait 'til he sees-

"Merlin, why is there ivy on my bedposts?"
Entirely worth it for the look on Arthur's face

"Merlin…the stocks are waiting…"
And it's been snowing...Better wear an extra scarf.

"Merlin, the ale is traditional. Drink up!"
Room is spinning...

"Merlin…stand under this mistletoe."

kirke_novak: Steve/Namor, a quickie

Steve hated being grounded, especially when injured. He felt like such a burden to the Invaders.


"Namor," Steve said, smiling. "Good of you to visit."

"I thought you might appreciate…a rub down."

Steve sat up, then gasped as his thigh twinged. Suddenly, Namor's hand was on the muscle, fingers soothing the ache. Then, Steve found lips on his, soothing in an entirely different way.

His pain forgotten, Steve leaned into the kiss, aware of every shift of Namor's fingers and every clever flick of his tongue.

If this was being grounded, Steve might learn to love it after all.

openskies: Merlin/Arthur, Arthur finding out how much Merlin has done for him and showing some appreciation

"Merlin, I've been thinking."

"Did it hurt?"

Merlin ducked the playful swat and adjusted his pillow, hand leaping to soothe his shoulder as Arthur winced.

"Thank you," Arthur said softly, holding Merlin's hand in place. Merlin froze but relaxed into the touch.


"It was you," he said, wondrously. "You saved me from the witch. You discovered the snakes in Valiant's shield, and the Afanc. You…guided me in the dark."

Oh, no. "Arthur…"

"You aided Lancelot, you saved me from…Sophia, you defended Ealdor, you…were going to drink poison again…"

"You did."

A kiss, sudden, unexpected…welcome.

"Thank you," whispered against lips.

drabble, christmas, comic, merlin, fic

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