Bond Trouble

Nov 01, 2008 14:15

So, I had just left placement yesterday and was pretty eager to get home. However, one of the warning lights came on - I was a bit confused, because I had no idea what it was. It looked a bit like a fat cylinder with bits hanging off it and I thought it might be the radiator.

Right, I thought, you have two options: 1) pull over and ring the AA or 2) get home and hope it doesn't explode.

I went with 2) because it was Friday and cold, and spent the whole journey freaking out Ceri by wondering aloud about the engine's explosive capability.

Anyway, Bond got home just fine and I thought, well, I probably should have checked the water level when Mum told me to do it, so I'll wait for the engine to cool down and check it in the morning.

This morning, I figure I should check what the light means before I do anything. It is, in fact, the Engine Warning Light and means I need to take it to a garage. I ring the garage and they say they'll fit me in Monday morning...when I'm meant to be in Pontypool.

We could catch a hodge-podge of public transport to get there in fifty minutes, or we could skive. I think car breakdown counts as a good reason not to go in, don't you?

However, my poor car! Bond is not having a good year - first, the window goes twice (once while I'm on the motorway - just hit the Severn Bridge, two more hours of journey to go...I was livid, and cold), and now the engine's dying.

If I didn't love him so much (and wasn't saving like crazy), I would ditch him. Silly Bond.

rl, bond

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