Merlin: The Mark of Nimueh

Oct 05, 2008 14:11

That was good! Well, excusing as always the CGI, but y'know, what can you do?

Nimueh is a great character - my friend has a cheeky black kitten called Nimueh and she is probably going to grow up into a great sorcerer (note how we're using the gender neutral - well done, BBC).

They're pushing the Merlin/Gwen for some reason, and she clearly has a crush. They're a cute couple and I wouldn't mind, but you know where my interests lie...

I love that Arthur and Merlin have banter now. "This is a cupboard - you could use it to put things in". And then the whole speech about fancying Gwen, the casual arm round the shoulder - but does he really believe it? It seemed that he was struggling to think of an excuse for Merlin, looking to Gaius for help in getting him out of this predicament; I know we're meant to think that Arthur's just blind, and there is an element of that, but I think he's already at the point where he's just going to defend Merlin because he's Merlin. And I like it.

I don't know why Morgana had to be the one to persuade Arthur, but it's clear that he realises he's being manipulated - the look and then "what do I have to do?". I like to think he would've just done it if Merlin had asked. Poor Arthur hasn't found the right person to love? I call shenanigans, sir!

On the Arthur front, he is less of an idiot than I thought. He does stand up to his father and doesn't hold the blanket view of magic that Uther encourages. So, really, I like Arthur quite a lot now.

Next week's episode looks like it will be FANTASTIC! Arthur going on a quest to save Merlin? That's love, people. I cannot wait!


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