The Stolen Earth

Jun 29, 2008 23:46

How the hell did they keep that quiet?!

A new Doctor? Unless they find a loophole, but I had absolutely no idea David might be leaving. And so where does that leave the specials? And River?

Gah! And I just knew that street was too damn long and that Rusty hates us that damn much - there was no way they were going to run into each other's arms, as they so deserved.

If I didn't know better, I'd say Martha and Unit were getting their own spin-off. I loved how the Ex-Companions Club all got their moment of glory, how Torchwood are about to buckle, how Sarah-Jane's about to die.

I adored the little Jack/Ianto stuff - Ianto's mild jealousy at the idea of Jack and some soldier (let's put them down as exclusive now, please) and the kiss to the forehead and clutch (Gwen only got the kiss - ha!).

And, of course, Rose. And silly things like Gwen fancying the Doctor and Donna fancying Jack. Just...a little slice of fan service that was just absolutely pitch-perfect.

I absolutely cannot wait until next week. And anyone who spoils me even the teeniest bit will SUFFER. EXTERMINATE!

torchwood, doctor who

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