Doctor Who - Forest of the Dead

Jun 09, 2008 17:24

I cried.

It's so sad! And yet not too sad, but still SAD! And if Moffat is going to give us seasons of terrifying tragedy, I will...well, love him forever but have puffy red eyes permanently!

I am somewhat torn. Because I very much like the Doctor/River. And I am sold on the "she's his wife, clearly!" argument now, with the whole "you know my name! there's only one way you could know that!". *sigh*

But then there's the Doctor/Rose. And I like that also. But I think Doctor/River may have just edged it.

And then Donna/Lee. Oh noes! Because he is real but he can't shout for her, and they have to meet again, don't they? Please don't let it end that way! They were married and perfect and *wibbles*.

Other interesting things:

1) We may see River again, which would be cool. And we get the fun, non-linear guide to their relationship!

2) This has hemmed in David Tennant for a while, hasn't it? Because he has to get "old enough" to become married to River. The only way around this is to have his regeneration take place off screen and just be like 'yeah, he held that incarnation forever and ever, but now he's back and different!'.

3) We could, I suppose, have Doctor/Rose and then Doctor/River. They're human and perishable; he's not. So, when DT wants out, they haul Billie back and become all like 'yeah, they run off together and are happy' until she dies, naturally and peacefully, and then he starts romancing River and they can be happy and stuff too! All good. :)

Except Jen and I are convinced RTD is going to kill Rose off this season, for he is bastard-face. See: Torchwood finale.

In short - Moffat, you own me. Please quit breaking my heart (ot, if you must, make it this good).

doctor who

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