
Apr 16, 2008 20:35

I haven't been to the comics shop for a while and then Huw picked them up but kept forgetting them, but I got to read three absolutely GORGEOUS comics today, so SQUEE!

Let us lay aside the whole 'Max has always been evil' rubbish, because it has been examined by more articulate people than I.

The rest was GOLD (pardon the pun). The Ollie/Carter dynamic makes me realise why they have been slashed (*g*) and I was sorry that all the Freedom Fighters wound up dead. Also, the cover was slightly misleading...but oh well!

Ted got shot! And because of the panel setup, I thought Max had got him in the head. But no, shoulder wound, and so Booster has to carry him! Complete with emotional speech! And THEY'RE GOING TO GATHER THE JLI!!!

I love this comic.

And speaking of the JLI, woo! Not only did the first few pages gather all the Blue Beetle canon together for a group hug, the Scarab/Jamie relationship became EVEN MORE AWESOME and THEN Guy, Tora, Bea *and* Booster show up! And Paco and Brenda kiss -with requisite denial, but STILL! And Jamie's family still rock ("Aren't you The Crazy One?"). And Dani Garrett with Oracle! ARGH - TOO MUCH SQUEE!

In short, I love it! And it was an absolutely brilliant arc completed perfectly.

And then this one - another awesome arc, and Dick/Tim interaction! That's funny and sweet and genuine! It all worked so damn well and was how team-ups should be, with a little snark from Roy too! Yay comics!


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