Torchwood 2x13: Exit Wounds

Apr 05, 2008 12:19

I went to a friend's birthday bash last night, but arrived late so I could watch the episode air live. However, I only got to my laptop just now.

I cannot believe they did that. RTD clearly went to the Dan Didio school of plot development.

I was so worried about Ianto dying that I didn't even THINK about Tosh and Owen. I just kept waiting for Deus Ex Machina, because Jack had been buried for about 1900 years, Owen was going to die, Tosh was going to die - where was the big fixit, the Rift Reset, the battle with Death?

At my Torchwood party, we talked through everything, we laughed at John's acting and then for the Tosh/Owen scene and after, we were silent. Completely silent. Because it was high tragedy and it was traumatic and WHY?!

They have consistently undersold Naoko all damn season and now they've killed Tosh. They never went on their date. Tosh's recording tells the absent Owen that she loves him. It was traumatic and painful and I'm still really angry that they've taken away two brilliant characters, full of potential, to leave us with the Love Triangle from Hell as our team.

And the Gray plot was weak, tbh, and randomly resolved, and Jack has just been buried for almost 2000 years and still not aged? And this is what Tosh and Owen died for. Some stupid plot about Gray and even James couldn't completely save it.

I imagine we'll get Martha now. That's still no comfort.

Generally - :'(

ETA: Denials List updated.


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