Torchwood 2x11: Adrift

Mar 19, 2008 23:24

I've had a bit of a gap between watching this and writing it down, so I'm not sure this will make sense.

Gwen annoys me, generally. However, I can see why Andy stirred in her remembrances of how she used to be. The most hilarious part is the very idea of Andy having a crush on Gwen sends me into paroxysms of laughter. GWEN! Come on, RTD - give us a break! We do have a rudimentary gaydar, you know.

Also, if there was ever a time for retcon, this would surely be it. The woman is crying out to forget! Honestly.

Jack/Ianto - oh my. I was not expecting that to happen (except that there was a hint of such a scene). It was, tbh, a little crass for my taste. However, the idea of Ianto betraying Jack because he thinks that what he's doing is wrong - go Ianto! Prove you're not under the thumb!

All in all, more filler. I cannot believe it took them this long to get that the Rift might take things - fanfic writers have been on this idea for over a year now. I remember a particularly good fic post-S1 with Ianto charting all the things that the Rift leaves and takes, because that's where he thinks Jack has gone. I must reread that fic.

Friday's episode? Now *that* I'm looking forward to!


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