Wow - ten minutes of glee!

Mar 06, 2008 09:23

As I mentioned before, I missed the first ten minutes of "last week's" Torchwood 'Day in the Death'. However, I've now acquired it for kirke_novak, so I thought I'd watch those ten little minutes and see what I missed.

Who could've thought that ten minutes would change my opinion of an episode, of characters, of relationships?!

I mean, the episode was still kinda poor and the criminal!Owen hinted at by the trailer would've been so much more fun, but these ten minutes were fannish gold!

Forget the pre-credits stuff - cliched, set up the episode but ultimately fluff.

Jack is a bastard, but he genuinely cares about Owen. Ianto is standing in that office doing all his talking with his eyes - him and Owen just blink at each other for a few seconds, and you can tell he's sympathetic, that he doesn't want to do this but surely Owen realises it's for him? Aww - it's great!

And then the scene between Ianto and Owen. They're had a stormy relationship (see: bullet wound to shoulder) but Owen's trying to start a fight with Ianto and Ianto's just gently telling him that he knows he doesn't mean it, that he's just in pain right now and he understands. And then he builds Owen up, saying he's done all these things and it won't beat him. It is a lovely testament to Ianto and to this odd but ultimately caring relationship with Owen.

And the little bit of Jack/Ianto: Owen says "you're shagging Jack" to Ianto, and Ianto, quite defensively, says "It's not like that, me and Jack". I can't quite tell if he believes what he's saying. I think recent devlopments would make me say that he might be doubting the truth of that sentiment. TBH, it's too quick to tell, but I love to overanalyse. I've probably written more for these ten minutes than I did for the rest of the episode!

Still, I love those two little scenes and they definitely improve the episode in my mind.


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