Torchwood 2x1: Kiss Kiss Bang Bang

Jan 16, 2008 21:50

This was everything it promised to be and better. Well worth the year-long wait.

"I came back for you" - adorable. Just that one little line. And then "...all of you". Jack remembers they're not alone.

The bit with Gwen was a little disconcerting, but oh well.

The Jack/John banter was brilliant. This season looks a lot funnier already, and we need a break from the death death angst.

Where on earth did the Owen/Tosh thing come from?! I know that Tosh fancies Owen, but why is he dropping these huge anvil-like hints?

The Date scene. I knew it was coming. I had absolutely no idea it would be like that. Ianto all...aloof and trying to hold it together. Jack being really nervous and sweet and *sigh*. It was perfect. It was real. Loved it.

Ianto was so competent! All episode! Hailing the taxi. Finding everyone. Stopwatch love. I love Ianto. And his deadpan humour is brilliant.

Next week's trailer - "The world is ending. Let's all have sex." "And I thought the end of the world couldn't get any worse."

This season is going to be amazing!


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