Some things

Dec 21, 2007 16:48

I had great fun yesterday playing hit-and-run at ladybugkay's journal. I really need a hobby. ;)

In other news, my room is in the process of being tidied. Which, of course, means it's in complete chaos. However, I can see the surface of my bureau-desk, and I can actually fold it up! Also, I can now check on the colour of my carpet. I may even go overboard and vacuum!

Huw bought me John Barrowman's album Another Side for Christmas (we open presents together before we leave Cardiff). It's quite lovely, and I particularly love 'You're so vain' and 'Please remember me' (which he sings for Scott's sister, who passed away - and it's quite moving).

However, I also realised that John sometimes sounds exactly like Cliff Richard. And that disturbs me beyond words.

rl, torchwood, huw, fic

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