December Memes!

Dec 09, 2007 13:42

On the twelfth day of Christmas, demon_faith sent to me...

Twelve tk_rtmts drumming
Eleven conjunkies piping
Ten ladybugkays a-leaping
Nine coppercowries dancing
Eight dz_crashers a-milking
Seven fiyres a-swimming
Six mantiums a-laying
Five ma-a-a-aggis
Four skitty_kats
Three classics
Two stargate atlantis
...and an alexander in a csi ny.

And stolen from skitty_kat:

In 2008, demon_faith resolves to...
Be nicer to silver_apples.
Keep my torchwood clean.
Spend less time on cricket.
Connect with my inner sci-fi.
Give up classics.
Go to csi every Sunday.

meme: random

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