Interview meme

Oct 08, 2007 18:19

So, I asked kirke_novak to interview me!

1. Leave me a casual comment of no particular significance, like a lyric to your current favorite song, your favorite kind of sandwich, or maybe your favorite game. Any remark, meaningless or not.
2. I will respond by asking you five personal questions so I can get to know you better.
3. Update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
4. Include this explanation and offer to ask someone else in your own post.
5. When others respond with a desultory comment, you will ask them five questions.

1) Name 3 people you would love to meet in person - fictional or not
- Jamie Bamber: The first Wolf SG convention I missed for three years and he turned up! I was so gutted. I would ask him lots of questions about Hornblower and everyone would stare at me for my outlandish geekiness :)
- Bruce Wayne: I would love to get close to the real Bruce and ask him that burning question - how does he really feel about Dick? What's he really thinking? That would be incredibly fascinating, though probably disturbing.
- Kirke!: Because it's been a long time since I met online people. In the same vein, coppercowries and dz_crasher.

2) How would your perfect date look like. Ever come close to the ideal?
I don't really have a specific type when it comes to look. The people I crush all tend to have mental problems though - eek. I'd say not too tall (cos I'm only 5'2"), light to dark brown hair, dark eyes and a genuine smile. Well-dressed guys are a bonus (Dick Grayson is looking good for this). I've only dated one guy and he's got the height, hair, eyes and smile, but he is a fashion disaster. Oh well, can't have it all. :)

3) Imagine you can kill off any character in any fandom - who would that be and why?
I once plotted (and wrote half of) a fic where my original plan consisted entirely of "Jonas Quinn must die" (Stargate SG-1, Season 6, replaced Daniel Jackson). This is somewhat odd as, unlike most people, I actually adore the character of Jonas and slashed him with Teal'c. Go figure. However, in my later planning, I chickened out, though that part still remains unfinished and shall forevermore.
In some ways, though I love him so, I would like Dick to die for a time. Just to see Bruce. The grief, the anger, the despair - it would be beautiful and heart-breaking, and then there would be such joy upon his return (because he would have to return). Yes, I'd like that very much.

4) What pisses you off the most?
Intolerance. I cannot stand it. Prejudice and discrimination make me sick and I cannot stand anyone who subscribes to ideas of racial, sexual or any type of inherant superiority. Bah.

5) If you could change one thing about yourself - what would it be and WOULD you change it
Physically? I have a fair amount of body hair that grows thick and black. It's a pain to shave (sometimes literally) and I'm too wimpy to wax, so I'd consider electrical removal. Unfortunately, it's just not feasible for areas as vast as my legs, so it's not truly an option, but if it was a) practical, b) less expensive and c) less painful, I would be very tempted.

meme: self

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