Meme from Dru

Sep 26, 2007 16:30

So, I commented on Dru's meme, so now I post!

Comment on this post. I will choose seven 3 to 7 interests from your profile and you will explain what they mean and why you are interested in them. Post your this along with your answers in your own journal so that others can play along.

classics: When I did my GCSEs (UK exams at 16), I did Latin. It was a last-minute choice and I loved the subject, which my teacher made come alive. So I then took Classical Civilisations at A-Level (UK exams at 18) and I fell in love with the characters of the Odyssey and the Aeneid and the tragedies. 'Troy' may have murdered the myths, but I sitll firmly believe in the love of Achilles and Patroclus (who are not cousins), Orestes and Pylades, and what counts, I suppose, as the extremely rare pairing of Telemachus/Peisistratus (Odysseus' son and Nestor's son, who become "intimate friends" - love it). My Classics teacher patiently tolerated my rampant slashing and I still love my little pairings. When 'Alexander' came out, I fell for Alexander/Hephaistion too and it is all so good. Because it's REAL. ;)

cricket: I know that Americans (and most Brits) really don't get this sport, but it's really quite simple: hit the ball with the bat and run back and forth between the stumps. If you hit it really far, you get more points. It only gets complicated when you start looking at how you can be out, styles of bowling and fielding positions. But I really like it. (Also - the men are actually quite fit, and for a non-contact sport, there's a helluva lot of contact. If you know what I mean.)

sci-fi: I blame BBC2. When 'Neighbours' finished and the news was on (bo-ring!), I went into the lounge and flicked on BBC2. Here is where I discovered Star Trek: The Next Generation. And all the other Star Treks, 70s BSG, Buck Rogers and Farscape. I was hooked. When my friend introduced me to Stargate SG-1, she also dumped me into fandom and I became a Sam/Daniel shipper, eventually setting up my own mailing list at the tender age of 15. The rest, as they say, is history. :D

meme: self

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