Oh. My. Life.

Jul 07, 2007 20:27

Stupid me for thinking this would mean it would be actually snowing. Consider how dramatic and angst-ridden the CSI finale was. Forget it. This? This was amazing.

Oh, poor Flack. But he did everything right. I don't like gun-toting cops, but that situation was really well handled, including the impact it had on Flack personally.

AIEEE! Danny and Lindsay! FINALLY! I shrieked when they woke up together. It was a lovely little scene and I'm extremely pleased at this pay-off of two years waiting. Danny actually covered pretty well with Mac - but he is working with CSIs, so it's only so long before someone finds out. That said, if Gil can hide his relationship with Sara and Mac hid his relationship with Peyton, they're not all that sharp.

"And because you adore me - and you do adore me" - I hate Peyton so much. Really. She can't act, her accent winds me up and what kind of name is Peyton anyway?

NOOO! Adam! Danny! My two favourite characters! I was so very worried that one or both would die. Huw and I had noted how Adam was being built up this season, getting more and more screen time, which can only be a bad thing in CSI. I really thought he was going to die. Poor Adam.

Sex with Danny is worth one hundred dollars. It's worth knowing this information. And actually a really tasteful sex scene, complete with cute flower and chalkboard message. Sweet.

Mac grabbing Stella? Kinda kinky. My mind scares me.

Woo! Hawkes is in too! And Sid has a kooky hat. It's nice to break up the angst, and distract me from growling at Peyton.

Straightening broken fingers without anaesthesia? OW! Please, Danny, don't get Adam killed... I was so very worried about that. Good plan in the end though.

Come on, Mac! You spent three seasons telling us that you were A MARINE! You've been trained to handle situations like this.

Ooh, the FBI agent. I'd completely forgotten about that plot! Nice to see that resolved before I started actually going 'who on earth is this woman? did they just make this up?'

Danny and Lindsay love makes me a very happy girl. Though poor Adam has no one to comfort him. Flack maybe?

Peyton, you complete and utter idiot! I suppose she didn't know, but it was still incredibly stupid.

Mac, that bomb was silly, wasn't it? Yes, it was. But you look damn cool in your black t-shirt. I may hate Peyton, but you do look happy together.

And that was an awesome ending to end an awesome episode. Though we may have to start calling this CSI: Romance.


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