On fire!

Jun 29, 2007 13:52

Firstly, as a leftover from 22, I think Gris is the miniature killer. And I know that's what I'm being led to think, but I don't care. And when I heard about Lady Heather refusing to give up her attacker, I thought that was him too.

Let's hope I'm proved wrong.

What I noticed was this: JR!!! I spent the rest of the episode trying to find him, heh.

The Cath and Sara scene, whilst drawn out, was hilarious. Because while Brass seems to know, Cath sure doesn't, and it just went on and on. Poor Sara. She had a rough deal this ep.

Her scene with Heather was dead on though. Sara is a professional and she cares, and both those things came through. Loved Gil's reaction when he entered that room - reminded me of the Doctor in 'School Reunion' when Rose and Sarah-Jane meet. Priceless.

Nick Stokes never learns. As soon as he started wandering at that crime scene, I was terrified: 'Nick, Nick, don't wander off...ooh! Man! JR?' Yes, my thought process is scary.

What was interesting was the follow-up, with Hodges teasing Nick about rescuing a man. That's never ever been addresses before and I think it was cute (and threw the slashders a nice juicy bone)

My jaw was absolutely on the floor when Gil appeared at Lady Heather's. His whole attitude was off, carried over into his interview with Cath, the hypocritical bastard. At this point my mind resumes the chant of 'MPD! MPD!', which translates as Multiple Personality Disorder. Nuff said.

Also? 'It keeps my hands busy' is not an explanation. Very suspicious.

Gil and Sara scene thought: Gil, you deserve every bit of cold you get from that long-suffering woman.

Judy is so sweet. With the thumbs-up and general cuteness, she completely and utterly reminds me of Velma from Scooby Doo.

Suddenly, I realised JR had turne up in a photo! Yay. And Gil got them talking again, and it all made sense, hurrah.

Now, if he'd just stop killing people...

Also, my adorable Huw is still averaging a First, because he is clever. Yay for clever!


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