BSG Squee

Apr 26, 2007 15:19

Because I promised my friend Danny I'd watch the end of the season over Easter but RL and exams got in the way, I'm now trying to get there by the end of the weekend. It's a good trip.

This is another show that I just don't slash. I don't fic either, because the show provides everything I need in terms of angst and relationships and a reality that most sci fi shows lack.

Jamie Bamber certainly helps xD.

Chief/Cally - typical fanfiction setup where a life-threatening incident brings about realisation of how much they mean to each other. With the added shadow of Bill Adama's own failures as a father in comparison

Lee was stunning. How he wanted to be a lawyer and then the anger at his mother - and all this time we've seen his anger towards Adama but now that's extended even further: he got his brother killed, he abandoned them, he left him with his abusive, alcoholic mother. I'm amazed he even speaks to Adama some days.

And Bill/Laura. Because I've been really routing for them ever since he kissed her in Season 1 (?), and even before that. I really want them to get together, get married, be happy. I'm glad that we may be travelling down that road now, though, as it's BSG, it definitely won't be a smooth ride.

Also, Kara/Lee moment, where they're just friends and close, and it was good. I really love this show


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