Driving, cricket and life

Apr 05, 2007 10:37

So, I drove Bond for the first time. Mum was nervous and very cautious with me, which was a little frustrating. However, the gear stick is slightly different, the bite is higher and the accelerator stickier than my instructor's car. Took a bit of getting used to.

Also - Sri Lanka beat England by two runs. It's just as close at it sounds, with England needing three off the last ball. Then, somewhat controversially, Dilhara ran up for the ball and then didn't release it. He gave this strange little smile and then returned to his mark.

Huw thinks he's a cheat. He believes he did it deliberately to put Ravi Bopara off. I think he was absolutely terrified, because he's never had that kind of responsibility before and in his past, he was renowned for bowling no-balls and loose economy.

Whatever happened, Dilhara then bowled Ravi on the last ball, winning the match. Huw's kinda upset. I'm ridiculously pleased.

What's worrying for England is they did nothing wrong yesterday and still lost. Sri Lanka made a number of mistakes - not making enough runs by throwing away wickets and making a couple of silly bowling choices - and still won.

Also, I'd forgotten how addictive drabbles are! To the detriment of my study, it must be admitted. Still, loving fandom at the moment.

fandom, cricket, bond

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