BSG SQUEE (plus stuff)

Mar 27, 2007 21:08

Well, wow. I absolutely had to find Rapture after watching Eye of Jupiter, because the hanger was brilliant!

Right - let's try and separate these two episodes in my head. At the beginning, I was like, wow, Kara and Lee! What on earth is going on? But I like how she won't divorce and he won't cheat, leading to that beautiful "trapped". Oh, Lee.

And the Chief being drawn to the Temple - so cool. I do like the religious motifs in this program. Especially as it went on - but I digress.

Helo killing Athena was heart-breaking. When are things gonna let up for those two? I mean, I know the answer is never, but I love them both so.

The whole Sam/Kara-Lee/Dee thing is escalating into a huge mess. Dee knows her marriage is a sham (but I still haven't forgiven her for Billy, so whatever) and Sam is clinging onto it, because Lee is not the first. And that really shocked Lee, didn't it? That completely and utterly threw him.

When Sam and Lee are shouting at each other about rescuing Kara - wow, tension? And then Sam says he'll kill him if she'd dead. And Lee says he'll let him do it - ouch. That's when Sam realises this is serious. That's when he knows.

The Cylon storyline, apart from really annoying me with the music, is weird to say the least. D'Anna is seeing visions, Gaius is desperate to know if he's a Cylon or not and now Caprica's also on Galactica. The Threes are all in storage. And D'Anna recognised one of the final five, meaning that they're someone she's seen.

Now, I haven't been paying much attention but who has D'Anna seen? Laura, Adama, Tigh in this episode. Gatar, of course. Has she met Lee and Kara? Dee? Helo? I'm still maintaining Lee is a Cylon. However, at the end of Rapture, I was almost convinced that Kara was about to start blowing heads off. Interesting, non?

In the end, the only way the ships are going to resolve is if Sam dies. And I don't want Sam to die! I like Sam. Sam's adorable. But I think that might be what will happen.

All in all? Brilliant so far. I need to get to the end!

And on a far more sombre note, my friend Teddy's mother passed away today. Not entirely unexpected, but the situation escalated within a few days. I have no frame of reference for death, so I don't know if or how this affects me. We'll see, I guess.

news, bsg

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