BSG Gets Fat

Dec 02, 2006 21:27

Okay, let's get the really important stuff out of the way first:

LEE IS HUUUUUUUUUGE!! Fat!Lee is fat! What have they done, given Jamie cheek pads and a fake gut and like a ton of padding? Jamie didn't even look this fat when playing Archie who, bless him, wasn't exactly svelt. Soft is exactly the right word - get thee to a gym, boy!

Anyways, other stuff. One-Eyed Tigh gives real meaning to the word 'grizzled', Kara is the one I feel for the most, living with Cylon!RayK, and then they all fall down, boom.

Great start to a new season, though I can't quite believe they've skipped another four months - that's almost the first two season twice over in two episodes. A world of crazy right there.

But, me likey - even more when Lee shifts the belly, my life. Anyone would think he's pregnant...


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