BSG Kills Me Dead

Nov 14, 2006 14:00

Well, as the flash-forward came up, I was immediately attentive. Kara was kissing someone, but I couldn't quite tell if it was Lee or Helo. Hmm.

And now I know why helsinkibaby was so insistant about Kara being self-destructive and no good for Lee. The alcoholism - and yes, she is the next Tigh, and then the kissing and the almost-sex with Lee fracking Adama. With not so much fracking, because Kara wants a quickie and Lee wants something meaningful (which makes a change from last episode, in which he was sleeping with a prostitute. Go figure.).

But Kara is the bigger woman in the end with pouring Cat her drink and then listing as many names as she could remember. Crashdown! :( And I liked that little scene with Helo. I get that she's hung up over Anders, that she wants to go back, and I also like that her sanest relationship right now is with Helo. I could incline towards Kara/Helo, provided they never actually get together on the show. :D

I just had to explain to my housemate why I was screaming my head off. It went something like this:

Okay - there's Billie who loves Dee and proposed to her, but she said no cos she's in love with Lee. However, Lee is in love with Kara. Then there's a hostage thing and Lee gets shot by Kara (by accident) but then Billie gets shot and is DEAD *screams, wails, cries*. And fracking Dee is with Lee at the end, with Kara in the background and NOOO!!

I like this show. I like that no one's ever dead in sci fi. Billie's a Cylon. He'll be back. *is hopeful*. I like that making people evil makes me happy. :D

So, yeah. "Destructive" would be one word, Neen, certainly. Yet you didn't say there were actual guns involved.


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