Well, now that my ego is shreded, may as well do an art dump 'gain. At this rate, I may not do another one for a few years *yay?* Depends if i can get out of this depressed phase without my muses dying in the aoe splatter damage.
Just a note: if there is a music choice, good chance it's from my private PPG playlists. Everyone seems to do it lately, and I'm still in a tossup about putting my own up.
Original: demons
Music: No clue, I think itunes was on random
If I had to say there is something I enjoy, it's monster creation. Seriously, it's tons of fun for me. Also you may notice that the style is different. It's actually what i'm comfortable drawing on the Cintiq with. Why I don't use it more often? Well a few reasons. One, it's very... very messy. That makes it hard to color. Two, The difference in quality between my cintiq and my laptop/desktop is huge. Wacom's monitor tablets have like 5 times the color processing power of most commercial screens. So when I color/draw on it, it ALWAYS look different. seriously. Three: I dont DARE leave this thing on too long because it killed TWO Graphic cards and ONE POWER SUPPLY for my desktop. So essentially it cost me 500 so far in damage. If this thing kills my laptop, I have to fork over even more cash. Urgh.
Original charactersMusic:
Synchronicity-Yui makinoNot the mains in my comic idea, but certainly important. I got too lazy to draw in the huge army of undead; but in the end they don't survive.
Original/PokemonMusic: None
One of my old main teams in soulsilver. My poor pikachu was just a baby when i hatched her into THAT. I had a pretty mean looking team (and I'm not talking levels) then.
PPG/PokemonMusic: None
Deleted these from earlier, throwing it up for archive sake
PPG: BubblesMusic:
Mou Ichido Love You (Macross II) (it's pretty much a bubbles song, though it's also a song from my childhood. Mmm, very pretty)
PPG: ButtercupMusic: Ice field (Tsuyoshi Sekito: SE Offical Bootleg),
Mercenaries' Delight (FFXI: ToAU),
Fre@k Show (Abingdon Boy's School) (all Buttercup battle music choices)
PPG: Tengu (buttercup), Kitsune (Bubbles)Music:
Fuhen (samurai 7) (no relation, just put me in the asian mythos mood)
This one is far crisper then whats shown but my Photoshop messed up the quality and I didnt catch it. There was also blossom as a cherry blossom spirit, but I didnt like how it turned out...so...
I threw her in as a knight-princess. (yes, this is also from the pairings chibi thing)
PPG: Face practice.Music: I forgot
Admitingly I don't like this so much anymore.
Alter-ppg verse: Mojo Jojo alt (Moki Toki)Music: Was at work, so on random
...I dont know WHAT i was doing then (I think something to do with oscilloscopes), but all I knew was that I was drawing Mojo Jojo's mirror verse self as a cuddly bunny. (toki is korean for rabbit).... I have no excuses
Alter-PPG: Him (and maybe sedusa?)Music: see above
Most people would go for the opposite, but in this cause i'm trying to be special. Alter-Him is a NESSISARY evil (runs the IRS). You may hate it, curse him, but in the end, you'll do it anyways. The female WAS supposed to be Sedusa, but it.... turned into something, I dunno. Maybe a female alter-him?
PPG: Blues
Music: I dont recall, but I'll throw in a filler.
Mine (savage garden)Not new, but it was thrown somewhere obscure and I'm sure quilly would like to see it, yes?
PPG: redsMusic:
A Dangerous Mind (Within Temptation),
Stand up (trapt)....Yeah, I went there. (A dangerous mind would be blossom to brick, and stand up is the visa versa.)
Ok, before I proceed, full out disclaimer. There is a fair bit of female nudity in here. No Sexual content, no violent images, but if you dont want to see what happens when i spend an afternoon reading Kaoru Mori based work (she is KILLER at detail, body...i love her work), then dont continue past this point!
BIG PICTURE ALERTPPG; Various + alters / Original
Music: too much to count, but ↑Jinsei Game↓ was played once or twice
Am the only one who things buttercup would be damn proud of her battle scars? Meh, random doodles are random. Why no bubbles? Well, I kinda had an idea that bubbles has a hidden notebook where she practices nude drawings or something like that. *shrug* In the bottom corner should of cut that out and put it solo is basically a special form/attack. Ignore it.
PPG: Blossom
Music: None
Blossom in the morning. Hopefully there be no peeking toms. should of left in that towel, bah
PPG: bubbles (her drawing a self portrait?)
Music: None
I dunno. I messed on her right boob though. *Groan*
Edit: FU LJ!