Art Dump: Number-I-got-no-clue

Mar 21, 2011 00:39

I haven't inked for a while, and my next two projects require inking, so I decided to try and shake out some of the kink. All I can say I still suck as hard as I did before I took a break.

Click for a larger image, though not the original size... that is a whopping 1946 x 2043

Ok, so it's not a new picture, infact it's a rehash of a picture from an earlier art dump but it provided a lot of practice. I guess also it's cause essbeejay mentioned she'd like to see it finished. If I'll finish it... ehhh... if I feel up to it or people want me to (which is unlikely because no one even looks at these things, I swear).

Perhaps it's just me, but I tend to draw to themes (akin to the many playlists some people are posting; and don't worry, I won't torture you with my own personal PPG playlists.) and this time didn't stray from this habit. I may as well put down what I listen to (on repeat) for each girl.

I first started with Bubbles: Reset (Ayaka Hirahara) - Ok, I admit it... I-LOVE... no... ADORE-OBSESS-OVER Okami (call it a legend of Zelda clone and I will punch you, for real). The ending song's beat doesn't quite fit the character in question, at first admitingly, but it is more in the vein of a hopeful song, which... come on.

Then came Blossom: EXEC_Z (Ar Tonelico 3) Clarification: This is one of 7 battle themes I have that I associate with Blossom (it's like number 6 on that list). In this case, the beat is one part, but the other is the lyrics. You'd have to watch the video, but I'd say this is a pretty good of example of Blossom choosing her duty over her own feelings. Not the strongest choice, but it's what stuck and kept me in the inking mood.

And then came Buttercup: ↑人生ゲーム ↓ / ↑Jinsei GAAMU ↓ (Vocaloid: Nico Nico Chorus version) Ok, this is such a Buttercup song. The beat, the tempo, and if you take the lyrics as her mocking her adversaries (instead of talking about reincarnation), or heck, just the tone. It's a little harder to see (I grew up with Korean, chinese, and japanese being spoken more often around me, so my choice in music tends to lean in that direction. Yet I was always addressed in a mix of Korean and English. Makes for translating your mother's wishes very freakin hard!) but then again, this is my choice, so meh. (Warning: The song has some good parts, but it has some definite lousy parts. The problem with Nico-Nico Chorus is that the singers are not actually singing with each other. They actually are independents singing vocaloid songs, and then someone meshes them all together. Thus it is very hard to get a very clean sounding song, which my ears hate.)
...Now that I think about it, I think this is also under my brick list.

The yellow is my notes and the point where I stopped, stared, and asked myself "Ok, you have two other projects, both with interested parties, why the f*ck make a full effort into making this a project?!" that and my wrist hated me I may come back to it, but realistically I'll most likely abandon this one since the amount of anatomical problems is staggering. Plus if I finish this one, I may also be expected to do one of the boys.

Also, I hate drawing hair on my wacom. I think I need the natural friction of paper to properly draw hair. Hn.

I'll have a proper art dump later on this week.

art dump, okami, life takes a hike, artist in me is screaming listen, ppg, work-drone-a-go

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