(no subject)

Nov 01, 2006 22:18

What American accent do you have?
Your Result: The Inland North

You may think you speak "Standard English straight out of the dictionary" but when you step away from the Great Lakes you get asked annoying questions like "Are you from Wisconsin?" or "Are you from Chicago?" Chances are you call carbonated drinks "pop."

The South

The Northeast

The Midland

North Central

The West


What American accent do you have?
Take More Quizzes

....Ok I find this funny. Bostonian is the lowest when my nonpaniced accent is closest to Bostonian. Anyone who knows me knows that my english = flawed. I can type like a fiend, but I speak like an Asian immigrant.

As a side note, I find that while still enjoyable, D-Grayman in animeform is less appealing then the comics. While the anime has to consider graphic limitations, the manga just has far more expression then the anime in the appearance. As someone put it, It kinda seems like "Oh damn, We're not Chrono Crusade, but we can get it close." A good anime, but... Yeah.

Black Blood brothers is the closest thing to hentai a person can get or an eppie or two. The story seems choppy, the main hero not QUITE bishy, but it's a good series. Short too. Since apparently it's only slated to have 12 episodes. Hopefully it won't be like "Good witch of the west." Oh, about that, there aparently is a manga, and it looks FAR better then the anime so far. But from what I read in the notes, "Good witch of the west" is actually a novel. I can only hope I can find a copy. >:3

/begin rant (bleach spoiler)
Bleach... Orihime, you = IDIOT! IF YOU ARE GOING TO HELP THE SUPERBASTARD YOU ARE GOING TO CAUSE YOUR FRIENDS TO DIE REGARDLESS, AND MOST LIKELY IN MORE PAINFUL WAYS! YOU DO NOT HELP THE SUPERBASTARD! GRAH! *huff huff hufff* I can only hope that KT will also show Hinamori more then a weakling, cause she has more potential then most of the other characters. As of yet, she is the only character refered to as a Kidou master, and gond darnit, while this may be a bladefest, magic can also be a very attractivething. Rukia may be the main magic user, but I doubt her skills are on Hinamori's level. FURTHERMORE, as my friend Dragon_davan has stated, she is a Vice-captain and I'm sure she didn't become one because of pity!

And Aizen is a bastard. From how it appears, why Aizen spends so much time listening to her whimper is because she was walking ONTO his blade. Only when he released the illusion did all the pain and torment kick in. It also explains why he stabbed her there, even though it would of been more sure and faster if he did it through the heart. That way she could still stand and talk.

Aizen, you bastard.
/end rant

black blood brothers, bleach, good witch of the west, accent, d grayman

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