You know, this would be easier to choose if I wasnta masochist....

Apr 02, 2013 01:59

On a related note; AH HA HA HA! DONE WITH THE HUGE ARSE PROJECT (for now)... But that's not important.... I'm having a delemma...

Instead of just working on my urge to do blossom... again.... (why do i like drawing her when she's not my favorite of the girls??? *sigh*) I decided to try a new 'sketching' technique on bubbles, who was was contemplating redoing anyways.... But now... Which one do i continue one?

This was the original, which has a lot of anatomical problems, but i can work on them... and then there's the time i spent on the fire (never again! ... Well maybe not for another 2 months....). It'd be an easy finish considering that the alternative is....

Why did I pick Willow trees? WHY?!?!? This one has anatomical problems too (I've already fixed the shoulder her expression seems weird to me...), but I can hide them with vines (because I'm a lazy bastard), but then there's the amount of details..... Plus I'm not too sure how well I can convey the "Kitsune" theme (granted, it's technically a fox servant of Inari, but kitsune is also used for her servants... plus there was this whole idea of themeing the girls as creatures who can represent good but usually are seen as evil blah blah blah)... WHY?!!?? *thud*

WHich to use... which to use... :T

practice sketch, doodles of the muses, a thousand things to do; only one me, angst alert, i suck at drawing!, artist in me is screaming listen, irksome..., ppg

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