Art dump: PPG - Midbattle Conversation ver. 2 pg 2

Sep 16, 2012 14:59

Panel 1
Boomer: ...
Brick: *moody moping*
Butch: *playing Dance Central 2 because he's confident enough about his masculinity to NOT give a damn how he looks*

Panel 2
Boomer: She get pissed off at you for interrupting her date didn't she.
Brick: No, and how the fuck do you know about that?
Butch: ...

Panel 3
Butch: Dude, I thought they were all pissy cause of the tentacle-raep-fest-in-the-making going on for the last few days.
Brick: ?
Boomer: *dbz mode*
Box: Bubbles is on patrol duty tonight

Panel 4
Bubbles: No-no-no! Boomer, PLEASE stop destroying townsville!
Monsters; Kjshdj IIASJAkhjasd!!! (wait, this is all a misunderstanding!!!)

Kinda a followup of the redo....
X-posted: tumblr

art dump, life takes a hike, ppg

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