Sep 08, 2007 17:25
To start with those ARE not opinions those are facts and yeah you should be suprised because there is a lot more to me than you give me credit for... If you ever bothered to talk to me properly for a change you might have noticed but whatever this is a waste of time and bullshit but you responded and so shall I! Has for the world you are the only one reading this shit anyways...
YOU where the ONE that ALMOST destroyed MY FRIENDSHIP you LYING PIECE OF SHIT! I was NOT being 2faced! I thought I was talking to you in confidence, I had talked to kellie about this before and didn't feel like I was getting anywhere I was serriously pissed and needed to vent OK and wow PEOPLE SAY SHT WHEN THEY ARE PISSED OFF THAT THEY DON'T ALWAYS MEAN!! I asked you not to say anything and you said you wouldn't and what did you do! Tell kellie that I was having a good old bitch about her and take everything I said out of fucking context thanx a whole fucking lot! THAT WAS NOT NOT the right thing to do! So if by trying to help us both you mean telling her everything I said when I was TALKING TO YOU! and you said you wouldn't say anything... yeah that REALLY HELPED!
WHAT THE HELL haven't I came to grips about HUH I think I have a better idea of reality than some drug fucked idiot... PLZ I know whats real!
Stoner... 1. I couldn't care LESS what you done! You want to get yourself fucked up be my guest cause ever since you started up on that shit you have been worth about has much. 2. I don't GET DRUNK, I DON'T RAMBLE about wanting to kill myself and if you where a FRIEND you wouldn't say shit like that... when you done that I was there for you when I do it what ITS TOO MUCH TROUBLE! 3. No shit my BF ain't Xander but there is only one Xander! Ain't there... so what thats NOT news to me!
I have tried to change a lot more about my life than you would ever know but when you talk to my once a fucking month when you could be fucking bother dispite being on the net 24/7 how THE FUCKING HELL WOULD YOU KNOW!
Um if thats what you call helping and um trying to help... than I wouldn't try to do that with anyone else...
Can't let anything go huh... You are just one ina long list of things and PEOPLE I have let go and don't regret! I have no problem moving on... letting go however you want to say it... Use it abuse it and lose it...
Hello when someone wont talk to you about anything else... Fuck hello like I had issues and I thought you was a friend I am NOT wrapped up in myself if you wanted to talk about something else I would listen... but when you leave in the middle of conversation... Talk a load of stoner shit... Well HELL-O... I thought friends cared about their friends... HUH... obviously I was wrong... I thought you might help or at least be someone to talk to... But who cares right cause your the all mighty matt...
If you cared you wouldn't have fucked me over! I wouldn't bother saying you care matt thats ajoke... and love there was another...
*yawn*... I don't need to grow up, I can look after myself... other people though obviously never got out of primary school.. I never spent my life crying on your shoulder... I thought you was being a friend but if thats the way you feel you know what FUCK YOU! Cause you and your attitude aren't worth shit to me or no one else!
OOOOOH you care but than you say for all I fucking care... Hmm point taken yes? I am not clinging to the past because hey if you bother to notice.. whats happening right here and now aint the past is it!