What's your name?: Heather. Often shortened to Het on teh interwebs.
Age?: A couple days shy of 25. Augh.
Where do you live?: I travel through time and space in my TARDIS. No, really. I do a lot of traveling between Boston, Connecticut, and New Mexico these days. Dreaming of moving to Seattle. We'll see.
Do you have a job?: I'm lucky enough not to need to work during grad school.
How much RP experience do you have?: A little more than half my life now. For realz. I started in AOL X-Files chatrooms in 1997. Good grief.
What are your feelings about shipping?: In general, I like seeing how characters' personalities mesh and if chemistry will develop. It's all very organic. I don't like saying, "Oh, so and so should get together" and then forcing a pairing on them. For fandom characters, I'll run with ships if there's canon evidence of tension or interest. Sebastian, however, is a special case. He has no real feelings of romantic love, especially for humans, so I doubt I'll be truly shipping him with anyone. Except maybe some kitties. :3
What are your feelings about smut?: If it's appropriate, I'll do it. I don't like smut without plot or purpose, and sometimes a total play-by-play is just tedious.
Are there things you won't RP?: I won't RP Sebastian/Ciel. It's just wrong in too many ways, and I don't believe it's in character for either of them.
What are your favorite things to RP?: When Sebastian has someone very interesting to toy with passive aggressively. Or when he can make an amazing pun. His puns in the original Japanese are brilliant, and they never translate right into English. I finally was able to make one in English recently that was deserving of his caliber, and it made me completely gleeful. ... I am such a nerd.
What's something you wished would get RPed more?: Permanent death. It's a bummer that in a lot of games death gets tossed around and loses its weight because the characters always come back. I see why it doesn't get done, but... I think it would make things a lot more interesting.
Are you plot driven?: Always. Improv'd a lot of the time, but I always want to see things more forward, and the characters develop as they go.
Slow or fast tagger: Depends on how much I have to tag. Kind of moderately slow on average, but I'm not a thread dropper. So I can go forever!
Who are your active muses? They rotate a lot. There are many.
Your favorite muses to write?: The active ones. Right now I'm partial to Sebastian, because he's so level-headed, and Lelouch from Code Geass, because he is soooo not.
Contact information?: PM is best. :3