I got up just about when I thought I would, about 2:45pm... (I stayed up 'til 7am, again... =:-/ ) I thought I was gonna' see Beau & them today, but nope.
Hal & Anita showed up about 5pm, so I could show Hal how to make Zombie hands... (Silicone, oil paint & a spandex elbow length gloves)
That's the pair Hal & I made tonight. >:-D
I'm very pleased with them! In a dark haunted house, they'll look fantastic!!! & they feel very real, too! Hal added the fingernails & that just completed the effect! >:-D We wanted to look more wet & "juicy" than dried & decayed. I think they turned out pretty good. I sent this photo & this one to Jayn & she gave 'em the Miss Jayn approval!!! >:-D >:-D >:-D
Now Hal will finish off the fingernails, makin' look all gross & gnarly, so they'll just look better & better. =:-]
Stew made 1 gnarely lookin' glove/hand. He left before my batteries charged & so I didn't get a pic of his.
& one of the really nice things about makin' silicone stuff like this is the fact that you can throw 'em in the washing machine! (No dryer, just line dry & a cold water wash) Silicone Zombies are one of the best discoveries since, I dunno', sliced bread!!! They hold up so much better than latex! Waaaaaaay more durable! I'm sooo impressed with it!
I'll probably make a new Traya hand before D*C next year. I'm still not really pleased with the look of it. I mean it looks "ok", but I want more of a "cut off with a lightsabre" look to it. It needs to look more like a wrist & it needs to be smoother around the "stump".... & come up higher on my wrist.
I want it smoother on the end (more like a burn scar) & shaped more like a wrist... Not bad for a version 1, tho! =;-]
Tomorrow is laundry day... =:-p I'm so thrilled.... LOL!
"Mad Men" on AMC won a couple of Emmy awards tonight! =:-D Best new drama & best writing. They may have won more, but that's the only 2 I know about, at the moment. YAAAAAAAAAY!!!! Such a great show!!! =:-D Bryan Cranston won Best Actor in a drama series for "Breaking Bad" another AMC show. Another good one for AMC!!! =:-] & "Damages" on FX won something. <--- That's another outstanding FX show!!!
& the fall season is about to start... I really need to hook up that new vcr. I missed waaaaaaaay too much stuff last year. Mainly CSI & Supernatural. & Supernatural has already started. Good season premier, too!!! =:-]
The weather's been fantastic the past few days. Mid 80's during the day & mid to low 60's at night. Niiiiiiiice!!! =:-D I sure hope Fall comes quickly. Mabon/Fall Equinox is tomorrow. =:-]
Happy Days are on the way.........