повыше, чем у легальных и чем у местных, что (последнее) понятно
около 12 млн токо нелегалов составляют около 5% американской рабочей силы
любопытно, что дети (в 2003 году около 3 млн) нелегалов легально являются гражданами США
Among the
Pew Hispanic Center findings :
- One-third of the children of illegal immigrants live in poverty, nearly double the rate for children of U.S.-born parents.
- Illegal immigrants' share of low-wage jobs has grown in recent years, from 10 percent of construction jobs in 2003 to 17 percent in 2008. They also make up 25 percent of workers in farming and 19 percent in building maintenance.
- The 2007 median household income of illegal immigrants was $36,000, compared with $50,000 for U.S.-born residents.
- About 47 percent of illegal immigrant households have children, compared with 21 percent for U.S.-born residents and 35 percent for legal immigrants.
- About 59 percent of illegal immigrants, or 7 million, came from Mexico. Other regions included Asia (11 percent), Central America (11 percent), South America (7 percent), the Caribbean (4 percent) and the Middle East (2 percent).
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