восстановление клитора

Jul 13, 2012 17:09

Foldès and colleagues report a unique and long-term assessment of clitoral reconstruction done in France. Their results suggest that clitoral reconstruction is feasible and could reduce clitoral pain and improve pleasure. Among 2938 women, complications (haematoma, suture failure, or moderate fever) occurred in 155 (5%) of patients. Nine of 486 women who did not have pain before surgery reported postsurgical pain (one) or discomfort (eight). At 1-year follow-up of 840 women, 124 reported a slight improvement in pain and 290 reported a substantial improvement. 406 women reported orgasm: 129 of 368 who had never experienced orgasm reported restricted or regular orgasms after surgery; and 51 of 97 who had had restricted orgasm reported an improvement after surgery. 12 of 53 women who had experienced regular orgasm reported an orgasm of reduced intensity after surgery.

подробнее см: Reconstructive surgery for female genital mutilation

медицина, клитор, обрезание, травматизм, культура, здоровье, секс

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