The 1823 Russian Survey of the Karabagh Province

Apr 21, 2012 16:14

пред Косово:

The survey establishes definitively that Armenians formed the overwhelming majority (97%) of the population of Karabagh in 1822.
The 1823 Russian Survey of Karabagh, conducted by neutral officials, lists the number of families and their ethnicity in some 300 villages and 300 nomad pastures. It also lists the various taxes paid to the khan’s treasury by each group. It proves conclusively that, in 1822, six years prior to 1828, the Armenians formed the overwhelming majority (some 97%) in the five districts, which later formed Nagorno- Karabagh. Furthermore, the Armenian villages were larger, more productive and the Armenians paid more taxes per capita than the Muslims. The high economic productivity of the Armenian villages is a further indication of their long presence in the region.

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