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реакция внука М Сэнгер demographer November 24 2010, 06:17:19 UTC
Today’s announcement by the Vatican that its parishioners can use condoms to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS is an historic step forward. We welcome the Roman Catholic Church to the 21st Century.

The Church has finally realized that there are evils in the world that sexual human beings must take responsibility to prevent, and this includes HIV infection. By our reasoning, this also includes any sexually transmitted disease, since they can cause infertility, illness and death. It also includes, in our view, bringing a child into the world, whose birth is a life-threatening risk to the mother, or that the parents do not want and cannot care for. The Church, in the case of HIV has rightly put moral responsibility on the couples involved. We believe it is right to do so in cases of other sexually-transmitted diseases and unwanted childbearing.

My grandmother, Margaret Sanger, born and confirmed a Roman Catholic, would be, as I am, pleased by today’s first step. We hope that the Church will continue to re-examine its outworn pronouncements that put both its parishioners and non-parishioners at risk.

Alexander Sanger, Chair International Planned Parenthood Council


и католиков за выбор demographer November 24 2010, 06:18:55 UTC
For Immediate Release
23 November 2010
Media Contact:
David J. Nolan
+1 202 986 6093

Pope’s Clarification Reveals Significance of Condom Statement

Jon O’Brien, president of Catholics for Choice, issued the following statement on the most recent news from the Vatican on condom use.

“The Vatican’s acknowledgement that Pope Benedict’s acceptance of condom use to prevent the spread of sexually transmitted infections relates to everybody shows how significant the pope’s comments are.

“This morning, the Vatican’s spokesperson, Rev. Federico Lombardi, said:

I personally asked the pope if there was a serious, important problem in the choice of the masculine over the feminine. He told me no. The problem is this ... It’s the first step of taking responsibility, of taking into consideration the risk of the life of another with whom you have a relationship. This is if you’re a woman, a man, or a transsexual. We’re at the same point.

“Conservatives, who immediately raced into action to deny the significance of the pope’s statement - after the text of the interview was published on Saturday - are left clutching at straws. Their attempts to contain condom use to male prostitutes are shown up for what they were - a sham. They have long sought to make the case that church teachings on these issues are unchanging and unchangeable. One can only hope that they will embrace this new position and advocate for condom use whenever necessary.

“Some people have criticized the glacial pace at which the Catholic hierarchy moves. Certainly, this acceptance of condom use is more than two decades too late. But it has now happened, and organizations that have been hesitant to provide condoms to those living with HIV and AIDS must move immediately to put this new teaching into action.

“The first step on any journey is always the hardest, but it is also the most important one because without it change is impossible.”


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