Chocolate Box Exchange

Jan 04, 2016 22:40

Dear Chocolatier

Thank you for looking into making something for me!

Please do not feel like you need to follow the prompts outlined below - they are there for inspiration, but if you're inspired to go in a different direction, it would be great to see the result of it. I think fanworks tend to turn out more enjoyable when someone really enjoys making it, too.

I don't have much in the way of stipulations except that I prefer even darker things to have some genuine light at the end of the tunnel; avoid unrelenting misery and I'll be happy.

For shippy art, if you want to draw basically any of these pairings* just sharing an intimate moment like holding hands, that would be great. I also have a weakness for clothes-sharing.

If you have any questions, feel free to comment here.

* Okay, except probably Ed/Nita.

In no particular order, here are the fandom-specific details.


I can't unsee a crush with Keigo-->Ichigo, so one-sided pining and awkwardly longing looks is good too. Mostly I want the dynamic of them being perfectly normal good, goofy friends, where the relationship runs surprisingly deep once things start getting supernaturally weird. Or just pre-canon slapstick, as Keigo is hilarious. Or he gets to be part of the superpowers crew early on in the timeline too? Also if there is any excuse for them to live together, I'd love to see that scenario.

Similarly, I want the dynamic here of them being perfectly good, normal friends where the relationship is proven to run very deep when things get weird. But maybe playing with that resentment and disappointment that cropped up because of how overpowered Ichigo is compared to Chad, and Chad can't help as much as he wants. Or, AU where they are hunting evil creatures similarly to the show Supernatural - basically, road trip + getting rid of evil things. Chad-centric backstory would also be great. Art with some size kink element to it = A+.

Teeth - Lady Gaga, Music Video. The vid is available here.

Vampire Hunter/Vampire
WHAT IS GOING ON. This video is beautifully ridiculous. Please explain what this dumbass vampire hunter thinks he's doing in taking this tactic with the intimidatory dancing. Why doesn't the Vatican give him more assistance!? How did he and the vampire meet and how did the capture go down? I'd prefer the vampire to try turning the hunter rather than just draining him dry. ...Speaking of, PWP welcome.


Dub or orginal names are fine.

Hero worship, the shared understanding of leadership and jockhood, and friendship. I'd love something with a big Davis-->Tai crush, requited or unrequited. Also: cuteness with them hanging with their Digimon, adventures in Digiworld, a look at their lives as they grow into the epilogue zone (but not with them breaking up, please, just have it AU; or those epilogue progeny could be their clones, frankly, and they're married).

Katekyou Hitman Reborn! DNW: if there's TYL Tsuna, please don't give him a mullet. It was a trend for a while there, so, just saying.

Belphegor & Mammon | Viper
So why is Bel attached to Mammon, anyhow? I'd love anything that explores their relationship in a creepy/adorable/murderous way. Maybe in TYLverse, after Mammon's resurrection. And is Mammon actually willing to show him affection, given that he is not made of money? Note: I prefer to think of Mammon as nonbinary ('they' works for me as a pronoun) or female.

Growing up and supporting each other after their families got massacred, AU with Adelheid as Enma's loyal knight, leading the family together and ending up sort of accidentally and awkwardly married via the process, scrambling to make reparations to/a stand against the entire mafia community after having attacked everyone at the would-be Inheritance Ceremony. (Some Adelheid/Julie in accordance with canon, or hey, Enma/Adelheid/Julie, is OK too.)

Haru & Kyouko
Haru getting Kyoko into a wacky adventure none of the others know about, and Kyoko participating wholeheartedly and delightedly. Figuring out what they want to do in the Family. Leaving the Vongola behind (together, or maybe just one of them deciding to go). Discussing Tsuna & romance. Introducing Hana and Haru to each other. Dealing with Kyoko's trauma-induced mental block in the Millefiore arc.

They're dreadful. I love it. Please make them be fake married for a mission. Or Fran using illusions to troll Belphegor with visions of his tiara being replaced by a frog hat or something (although expending that much effort is probably dangerously close to showing he cares, or something like it).

Chrome & I-Pin
Shy kids getting attached to each other and supporting each other, TYL badasses working together, 20YL I-Pin occasionally haunted by a beloved and very friendly ghost/illusion, learning languages together (I-Pin willing to overcome shyness and improve her Japanese when it's with Chrome and maybe teaching Chrome some Chinese, or both of them tackling Italian).

Light-hearted shenanigans in Primo era (did some of those bananas Vongola traditions originate with the 1st gen?), darker things with fighting/angst/comforting in Primo era, time travel, proper reincarnation instead of only having echoes in the 10th gen, fridge horror about their centuries-long attachment to the Vongola rings, role-swap (with each other, or with other characters in the story), PWP, backstory for G, genderswap. Art-specific: any AU - pirates! ninjas! dog walkers! dragons! etc.

Kyouko & Tsuna
The evolution of the manga art made these two look alike enough sometimes that I've long wanted a scenario where they're twins (whether Sawadas or Sasagawas). Canonverse friendship is great too - maybe Tsuna keeping that charm Kyoko made him unto perpetuity and cuteness ensuing on her finding out, playing with Nuts (...that isn't supposed to sound like a 'that's what she said' joke), on the run together, or something about how mafia life changes and tempers them - the scene between Tsuna and TYL Kyoko is fascinating to me in that sense.

I love those times when Kyoko realises that she might think Tsuna is attractive and proceeds to look like it gave her an aneurysm. Poor Tsuna, but it is hilarious. So anything with them stumbling around attraction and occasionally feeling gobsmacked by it (Kyoko on realising she's thinking of her good buddypal that way, and Tsuna on figuring out his massive crush is getting reciprocated) is great. Or/and: PWP, genderswap, wedding, Tsuna keeping that charm Kyoko made him unto perpetuity and cuteness ensuing on her finding out, them and their kids (or meeting Vongola Quindicesimo via time travel shenanigans and realising that there is a distinct implication of kids coming up), vampire AU. Art-specific: kisses.

I like this as a split between sweet and as a way to twist the knife. The knife being 'Mukuro and everything he represents'. So whether it's two people with a lot of isolation, trauma, and deep sadness coming together and making something good between them, or some temporary association that leaves both shaken and with shattered beliefs, A+. I'd be happy with anything ranging from utter domesticity with like grocery shopping or pizza dates, to mind control scenarios where Mukuro insists that Chrome taking Lancia over is the only way out of some problem, to idk they're both in illusory(?) hell and everything is terrible.

Gokudera/Shitt P.
Going after UMAs/aliens/whatever together, the bizarre 59/Shittopi version of a standard romantic trope, meta-ish crack where they battle OCs based on famous musicians (I firmly believe Shitt P's design was based on Lady Gaga), silliest rivalship dynamic ever due to arguing insistently that the other's not human, working together to get Simon stabilised and Vongola stronger, dressing each other up. Maybe, possibly an attempt at Shittopi backstory? This is not truly a character built for making sense but it could be interesting.

Tsuna & Xanxus
I pretty much want the same dynamic for both of these: Xanxus hates Tsuna. Xanxus actively wants to and is very satisfied with hating Tsuna. But god help any enemy who lays a damn hand on Tsuna if they cross Xanxus's path, because he has a permanent 'MINE MINE MINE' tantrum setting when it comes to the Vongola, and Tsuna is (regrettably) very, very much Vongola. Prompts: Xanxus mellows out after some drinks and can actually acknowledge liking Tsuna, too, in addition to the hate; how they and their relationship evolve over the years; fighting side by side; a situation with Tsuna offering to give the Vongola to Xanxus; Tsuna does destroy the Vongola and there's Xanxus all 'now fucking what'; reincarnation where nuXanxus is Vongola Twentieth and has chats with ghost Tsuna.

Hana & Kyouko
TYL Hana and Kyoko hugging still gets me! More interaction between them, or that incident as told from TYL Hana's POV would be great. Or: Introducing Hana and Haru to each other, the first meetings for Kyoko & Hana, AU where they're Vongola guardians, discussing the weird things that happen around Namimori in general and their 10th gen Vongola friends in particular.

Squalo & Xanxus
There's this bit in the Varia arc translation I read where Xanxus called Squalo 'angel shark', and I can never quite decide if it was just Xanxus being hilarious and calling Squalo 'kasuzame' because he's a 'trash shark', or if the translation was 100% accurate and he really was referencing the angel shark species for a multilingual pun as a pet name, which would be kinda heartbreaking as well as hilarious. But I'd love something where 'angel shark' was legit and it's just a thing that if these two are broken down enough that something mindbogglingly affectionate might show through all the ... them...ness. Or/and: elaborating on their first meeting and the follower-->leader-devotion-at-first-sight, food kink, Xanxus needing TLC after getting out of the ice, reincarnation where nuXanxus is Vongola Twentieth and a nuSqualo is loud and proud.

Gokudera & Tsuna
Always anything with the tension between Gokudera's delusions and the facts of the matter. And maybe how these two draw lines between personal and professional. It's not necessarily such a big thing where family = business = family, but it still interests me to see how they'd balance the different roles they've got to play. Prompts: encountering real or assumed magic, food kink or food used as a way to demonstrate caring (Gokudera's frequently bringing food over when he visits!), AU first meeting, superhero AU. Art-specific: I'm big on THE SKY HAS FALLEN tragic pics set in the Millefiore arc with heartbroken TYL Gokudera. Romance-specific: dealing with mafia-political ramifications of their relationship.

What is up with Levi's deep devotion? I am so curious about what hole Xanxus and Xanxus's approval could fill for him. What was their first meeting like? And I'll never stop cackling about the this KHR trivia list that mentions that Xanxus has only had a conversation with Levi out of all the Varia. Elaboration on that tragicomedy would be so great. Xanxus POV on Levi, with the minimum useage of the word 'trash' (I know, but), would also be good. Surely there is some modicum of value that he finds in Levi and the rest of his crew? Maybe pre-Cradle Incident/discovering that he's not related to Timoteo.

More, please, on how and why they were together in TYLverse. I'd love something sunshiny and sweet and ridiculous, or darker, as they deal with encroaching mafia issues and how much Ryohei wants to let Hana know vs. how much Hana wants to know. Matchmaking from Kyoko would be super cute, or Hana having a long-standing crush on Older Guy Ryohei (despite his often being as much of a monkey as any of the guys her age!) and deciding to do something about it would also be great. Ryohei having a blushing fit as he tries to ask Hana out.

Lambo & Tsuna
Interaction with 20YL Lambo and Tsuna at any age. AU where the Varia don't force the issue of the Vongola rings, and so there's more of a question about who's going to be the 10th gen lightning guardian. Tsuna getting introduced to more members of the Bovino family. Lambo going to train with the Bovino and giving Tsuna updates on how it's going. Tsuna finding tasks for Lambo to be good at, in order to boost his self-esteem (like that time Lambo got a golden toilet statuette for being such an excellent toilet-cleaner). TYL Lambo giving No-Good-At-Flirting TYL Tsuna tips on how to be a charmer.

Young Wizards

"You, young and never loving - I, old and never loved": the line that haunts me with intimations of oh god that giant magic shark is in loveish with this human wizard whale he is supposed to eat. Not that I wasn't shipping it already. I'd love: anything with more lore on the Song, them exploring some other strange secret of the sea, their interaction some time after the book, Ed undergoing the terrifying age-old shark version of 'I don't know what my emotions are doing!!' as he gains affection for Nita. Or something really cracky, for kicks. "Mom and Dad, I would like you to meet my significant other"?

Danger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys (Album)

Dr. Death Defying/Show Pony
Fun Ghoul & Jet Star & Kobra Kid & Party Poison
Korse & Motorbaby
Korse & Party Poison
Motorbaby & Party Poison
Fun Ghoul & Jet Star & Kobra Kid & Motorbaby & Party Poison

I don't know the comics, but feel free to reference them so long as it's easy to follow.

I just love the mood of the album and the videos - the wild freedom hunting and self-indulgent thrill-seeking, the rebellion against how the world works, finding a new kind of home and way of living, the whole extremely nonsensical dystopia with tightknit gangs of misfits in fab outfits racing away from really weird police on fancy vehicles as they wail about saving each other: HELL YEAH.

It would be fun to see things dramatised by taking metaphorical lines from the song as if they were literal, or at least worked in a magical realism way - e.g. "Gravity / don't mean to much to me" to mean one of the guys isn't really affected by it and almost feels like everyone else is making a big fuss about nothing. Or maybe depict the whole "Save Yourself, I'll Hold Them Back" situation; desperate last stands for the sake of friends are great. Why does Korse tell Party Poison to "keep running", and how does he get away with that when he reports back? Why is Grace important to both sides and where does she want to be? I'd also just love something where any of the selected relationships that can plausibly do so are spending time together and being cute. and fabulous. For any art of this I'd like it to be maximum colourful.


Fic-specific: A lot of what I love about reading fic in this fandom is how it carries across the sense of will and determination the characters have. I'd love anything with a bit of an epic feel to it, purely because of how the characters strive for their goals or have had massively strange/terrible/wonderful things happen to them, and how they're legends in their own lifetime.

Gaara/Rock Lee
For art, lowkey modern AU would be great. I'd just love to see something sweet with them in nice outfits! Otherwise: anything that makes creepy use of Gaara's demonic qualities, non-combatant uses of cool ninja powers, one extending an invitation to spar with the other, outsider POV on how their vastly contrasting strangenesses match up, marriage ceremony, working around the effect ninja politics have on the relationship. Fic-specific: kid fic.

Sweetest dysfunction. I just want to know about their dedication to each other, over long years, through their worst and best times. Adventures they had before meeting Naruto; getting to know each other anew as they have the chance to make themselves better; sweet tender PWP; one saving the other. Art with kissing would be A+!

How did Zabuza manage to start loving Haku without realising? How did Haku survive all those years on what were probably minute scraps of affection? It's a glorious, heartbreaking mess. If it's set pre-canon I'd prefer no sex, but I'd still love a depiction of them platonically or with Haku-->Zabuza feelings arising. Scenarios: AU where they live and have a rough time of sorting out the changed dynamic (but happy ending, please), a journey through the underworld, Haku dressing himself up for Zabuza.

Trying to deal with awful "we're the last ones left" feelings (especially from Kakashi's side); accidentally dating; one saving the other; PWP; just being odd in their own ways and making room for the other's idiosyncrasies; their terrible methods of courtship. I'm good with them being lighthearted weirdoes or hardened traumapals who've been tempered and guided together by shinobi life, basically. Or both!

Marvel Cinematic Universe

Pietro & Wanda
The neighbourhood superheroes; how did they interact with people once they got fast and weird? What did they do before they had powers? How did they get in touch with Strucker? I'd also love an AU with both of them surviving and becoming Avengers. And just dealing with their feelings and repercussions from the whole Ultron mess. Something with Wanda mourning Pietro would also be good in the heartbreak way.

Peter & Granddad Quill
There's a deleted scene from after the battle of Xandar with Grandpa Quill looking at a photo of Peter and Meredith and looking up at the stars, while standing in what is probably the field Peter got nabbed from. TEARS 4 YEARS. Please give me anything on them: Grandpa Quill's thoughts at that moment, how they got along before and after Meredith's sickness, thinking about the other in the years they're apart, meeting again, Grandpa getting some kind of chance to go into space to look for Peter.

Their time in prison; Luis taking the very very very long way round asking Scott on a date; enjoying being part of a crime-fighting team post-movie; break-in jobs they pulled pre-canon; telling Cassie stories together; taking care of the pet giant ant; Luis helping Scott get over some lingering fears about the microverse.


Note: I never watched much of the anime version of the Egypt arc, so I'd prefer manga characterisation for Kisara and TK Bakura if at all possible (though if it's not, I'll just hit up a wiki to get the details on what changed), but otherwise I'm easy on which version of the source material is used.

Kisara & Mokuba & Seto
AU where they are family, BEWD Kisara hanging out with the brothers, Seto's 2 biggest fans discussing him, Mokuba in ancient Egypt along with the other two, reincarnation with Kisara in the modern world and Mokuba needing to figure out why Seto is going all 'WHAT DO' in response to that random person who walked by.

Thief King Bakura & Kisara
Kisara and the Thief King becoming best buds, on the basis of mutual terrifying monster-soul access, and roaming Egypt, blowing everything up as the exact opposite of a buddy-cop duo. Maybe a connection with Kisara makes the Thief King calm the hell down on the world-ending plan and try to take a different direction with vengeance, maybe Kisara is willing to apply her endless devotion to an awful cause just for the sake of being accepted. Creepy sweetness with Kisara getting introduced to the Kul Elna ghosts would be real cool. Maybe some Kisara backstory?

Bakura & Yami Bakura
All the little unnoticed things they couldn't help doing to each other. Creepy shadows lurking around Bakura as he does everyday, ordinary things. Bakura and Yami Bakura both using the Ring in different ways. Bakura being forced to protect Yami Bakura in a similar way to how Yami Bakura had to act during Battle City in the duel with Yami Yuugi.

Honda & Jounouchi
The manly friendship thing they have going gets to me. That time when Jounouchi gets mixed up with the Rintama gang and Honda cries, OUCH. I'd just really like some tough guy bonding, maybe some fighting, maybe some motorbikes in the mix. Keeping each other's secrets, meeting for the first time, fighting through supernatural game nonsense, having a few in-jokes the rest of the gang doesn't get, reacting to Honda's crush on Shizuka.

Bakura & Dark Necrofear
She is a terrifying mother, and Bakura has no family and is (probably much too) OK with creepiness. I would love her treating him with a motherly or big sisterly vibe. Plaiting his hair = A+. I'm also into seeing the humans that the card monsters might have come from - maybe Dark Necrofear also has human backstory and Bakura gets to see it. I always liked to think she came from Kul Elna, but feel free to use something else. Maybe she was from Atlantis, or somewhere else entirely!

Bakura/Thief King Bakura
I like this one as a more loving take on a relationship between Bakurae, though likely to still be a wreck, with the Thief King actually liking Bakura and the latter struggling with all kinds of conflicting feelings. But fluff would also be very welcome. Prompts: reincarnation fic with the Thief King crossing paths with Ryou would be great; something where they have language difficulties (Bakura speaking Japanese, the Thief King speaking ancient Egyptian); time travel; teaching Ryou to summon ka; PWP; Ryou having the ability to control the Thief King via some card game magic.

I can take as many variations on Rishid's tattoos being redrawn as cute lil hearts as the world can give me; or if there's a quote that would work for portraying their relationship, rewriting the tattoos as that is great too. Ancient Egypt version Malik/Rishid. Malik born a girl and not getting to bear the Pharaoh's Memory because of it. Times when Rishid has had to subdue the other Malik and knew something was even more wrong with Malik than the obvious. Fantasy AU. Years post-series, Rishid has another family, Malik pines.

Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell - Susanna Clarke

Stephen Black/Mrs Brandy
I'm intrigued by how Mrs Brandy fell in love with Stephen and he didn't notice a thing. Or maybe he just didn't conceive of it as a possibility? I'd love an AU where Mrs Brandy makes her affection clear and whatever happens from there. Mrs Brandy stumbling across Stephen in Fairy post-canon could be interesting - maybe some of the magic changes wrought to her goods by the fairy gold helps her get there, or just all the magic now growing in England again.

naruto, marvel cinematic universe, books, reborn!, bleach, fanwork fests, yu-gi-oh!

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