
Jan 25, 2012 22:41

Okay! officially back! have stopped sucking! Caveat: more or less.

In an unexpected and, frankly, suspicious burst of energy I've just figured out the dreamwidth crossposting thing and will be updating on LJ and DW in future. Feel free to unfriend/add
slippy/etc. as you wish.

Sorry about those comments I promised to get to back in December. First holiday things got in the way, then the internet went belly-up and it was entirely too much trouble to get into town to an internet cafe, and after that I was just in the habit of leaving the internets alone. Because of being anal I will get to those suckers yet.

In more general news, this holiday I seemed to take over as the embarrassing relative. It makes sense. The previous contenders for the title have got older and aren't putting as much energy into it, so the spot was open. At least I'm not the racist one. And I don't drink! I should be able to stop being embarrassing any time!


Now I will officially go crash into bed. Fact: most definitely.
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