(no subject)

Apr 26, 2011 19:49

Caught up with Homestuck over the weekend; I am now good for nothing.


"Dave getting trolled by Tavros", except of course that's not what happened. Dave is awful in many ways even in that one exchange, but I laughed, holy shit, how I laughed.

That is also where Tavros became my bb, as probably only compounded by his chat with Rose and his retaliatory rap and his stupid face with that little smile.

Tavrooooooos! Please let him be revived or let his creepy blank-eyed ghost hang around a lot or something. It felt like there was still a good chunk of character arc to go through after his conversation with Jade!

EQUIUS: D --> It's a chip in your heart
EQUIUS: D --> Is that not ok

SOOOOOOOO Equius/Aradia. That. That is a thing. That you could do. Especially since it was actually done. I should not have found the above lines as funny as I did, except I also found them as horrific as they are, so that's all right????


/sudden death.

you can be my favourite again

Also for the way that whenever he's trying to convey that he's emotionally available for a distressed friend, he goes pooooooooooooke with that expression on his face like his liver-equivalent is turning into a horrorterror and/or there is no way he's not going to fuck this up. Ugh! Stupid terrible determined heart of total gold leader! When Vriska had that long conversation with John about her being a giant backstabbing sociopath (also a highlight)*, and mentioned that a possible part of the reason the trolls were in a mess was because Karkat was too good a leader -- FUCKING OUCH.

* John/Vriska moirails 4evs; will fight anyone who disagrees. PS, John would be tickled the hell pink to find out that getting legit BFF-married is a thing you can do in troll culture. Greatest idea! Best disease!

There is nothing that is not beautiful about the fact that the answer to the trolls' biggest immediate troubles is SPACE VAMPIRE. Seriously though, how in the what now--was that determined by a poll? Was it like, "Who should be revived: Kanaya, 1098 votes", "Why: Because Bella loves Edward, 9082 votes"? Anyway, ERIDAN/CHAINSAW/KANAYA OT3 alll the vindictive pleasure, right here. If Vriska can get sympathetically portrayed, then there's probably going to be more of Eridan and his reasoning and whatever the fuck it was he thought he was doing - but meanwhile, what a shitbiscuit.

Oh yeeaaah. It's nice that Kanaya is on the receiving end of some love for a change! It probably won't last and Kanaya probably doesn't have that crush on Vriska anymore (because Rose), but still. Is somebody going to have to explain human ideas about love to the trolls? Because Vriska doesn't seem to be feeling a shred of pity - and how could one pity Kanayapire! - and that sure ain't hate; it's pure 'TAKE ME NOW'.

I don't know why people act like Homestuck is hard to sum up. "A group of kids play a game that bends space, minds, time, and lives - then there are the aliens. And oh yeah, the creator is the biggest troll involved. The rest is details."

See, I even realised it could be shorter while I was writing! There's also:

"1. Get a spoon.
2. This comic is filled with an entire species of romantically obsessed tsundere who desperately want someone to have hatesex with.
3. EAT UP"

depending on your audience.

The problem is probably trying to summarise it and convincing people they'd like to read it, which would involve retaining some of the spirit of the series without sounding like you're talking about three different things. Also there should probably be warnings about how people with epilepsy should be careful of some of those gifs.

Somehow fandom gave me the idea that this comic was a lot further along than it actually is, probably because recent events are a big stimulus for fic. Finding out how much there still is left to resolve makes me want to claw at my face and lament in my sackcloth & ashes etc.

- This business with Rose, the horrorterrors, and Doc Scratch/Lord English is nervewracking. Most of the characters are siding against the horrorterrors, but come on, they're giving out nice quiet dreambubbles and everything. There's only a chance they're bad, or at least they're only bad in a specific way, whereas Lord English is definitely out to eat the face off of every possibility of reality. Horrorterrors all the way. Feferi only turned out mildly terrifying with her outer god-lusus!

- Everything could turn out okay in the end, theoretically, maybe (sob).
  • Terezi scratched the Sburb/Homestuck CD and with how often the audience is invited to dance merrily atop the ruins of the fourth wall, that could have a real effect.
  • Doc Scratch's omniscience doesn't have to count for much, since it has those dark patches.
  • Jadesprite is somewhere out there and Jack Noir is sort of her dog so maybe it is a point open for exploitation.
  • Future Dave mentioned that Gamzee spoke to him again after freaking out about the Insane Clown Posse video, so Gamzee is going to return to his previous state.
  • His rampage is proof that prophecy doesn't encompass everything - Aradia mentioned that his part of the writing was completely unexpected in the pattern.

So hopefully that is another way that all the destiny, predictions, and pre-established patterns etc can suck it and happy endings abound.

Or Hussie could troll again and destroy all hopes. That too.

- "How everyone ever will be revived" is totally a legitimate point to look forward to. Bro, Mom, Dad, Equius, Nepeta, Tavros, Feferi, whoevs PLEASE. There's still a lot to do with those characters! Also I love them.

- Having mentioned scratches and the restoration of life - if the plan about the Scratch goes through ... and everybody returns to their original lives with no idea about each other or the game...

. . .

. . .

. . .

Well it would probably be handled fine and would be interesting, but 1. my motherfucking heart, are you kidding, and 2. this comic is so long and that would make it so much longer and that would probably be hard for the creator and the fans to stick with.

Bright side, should Hussie get sick of it before everybody else does, this fandom will certainly create something as satisfying as the comic can be. This fandom. Woah.

- Looking forward to more troll ancestors. Who isn't (if only for the designs Mindfang hot damn), but also because it gives an excuse to hope for more of the dead characters. At least we'd see what their genetic contributors got up to.

- So confused on the point of how Midnight City is around if Jack Noir destroyed a whole string of planets. Midnight City is Alternia, right, except Years In The Future when it's been repeopled by exiles? Unless Alternia wasn't destroyed? Hey, this could also indicate that things are going to turn out okay! If Jack Noir won, there shouldn't be a Midnight City. But that feels like such an easy-out answer, not the enigma wrapped in a mystery hidden deep within a fuck-up that I've come to expect.

- So worried about PM becoming queen. For one thing, WQ is messing with her head and what exactly is going on there, and for another, WV might completely lose it because of his love of democracy. The exiles are too cute to fight each other!

- This is not actually a point about John being all right after getting stabbed again. John is okay. COME ON.

- Right?

- *shakes fist*

Quick note on KHR 334: Keep on keeping on, Mukuro. ♥

fan babble, reborn!, incoherency is a go, homestuck, omg heart

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