Reaction post! Strangely image heavy.

Mar 21, 2011 16:45

Gunnerkrigg Court: Chapters 31 & 32
NOOOOOOOO. Is this real Gunnerkrigg?? I hate the new developments. This never happens!

Okay, it's happened once or twice before, but that's literally once or twice, and the bits I disliked were addressed later or weren't that bad in the first place. But I hate forest Annie! She's nuts and creepy! What's with the Evil Jack/Coyote smile. Unfortunately Annie's mental and emotional torture of Reynardine in Chapter 31 has now been confirmed as being all her, but that's kind of okay; what it says about her character is sad and not admirable, but it is understandable. Looks like she's really hung up about her dad after all.

And Kat! It feels sudden that she's so fed-up with Annie. She's enjoyed the adventures up until now, and those times when she was freaked out she didn't seem to blame Annie. Her current feelings make sense, because the way Annie left was a big deal and would've been hard to react to, and Kat lays out her emotions about that clearly and maturely. But it looks like she retroactively dislikes all the stuff Annie brought to her life. "I don't hate you, just everything about you, now we can't be friends."

All these developments make sense. They are also depressing. Fun boarding school mystery-solving duo, come back!

And then I saw My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic fanart of Annie on the forum.

By edzepp. Original post here.

Then things seemed a little better.

Girl Genius: Wednesday's page, 16/03/2011. The good general understands pipple, hokay.

He understands them SO WELL. Jägermonsters are the greatest. Agatha's face in the bottom middle panel is a strong contender, especially given the contrast with Lucrezia's, but it's there because of a Jägermonster and thus they remain the greatest.

Somewhat reluctantly, I like this earlier page too.

Downsides: It really would be nice to have a female warrior who's just tough and fun and difficult to beat, which is what Zeetha seems to be. Also, character development has just got to happen in conjunction with a romantic interest, doesn't it.

Upsides: But it is character development! Zeetha's felt like a very easy character up until now - not quite one-dimensional, but not entirely a person. Higgs makes these observations about her and suddenly it becomes obvious how she makes sense as a person and how other characters might see her. This also makes her feel like a more realistic warrior, which is about as great to see for a female character as the type who's the designated muscle without any questions asked. There's texture and effort in her skill, so she's not just conveniently badass when the plot calls for it anymore, she's Zeetha.

Also she and airman Higgs would be cute together after all. That doesn't hurt.

Katekyo Hitman Reborn, Target 330: Reunion - thelovemafia once said that practically all the chapter names in this arc should have the word "EPIC" in front of them. This tradition continues to hold true. Alternatively, the title of this chapter could be "MY GOD ... IT'S FULL OF STARS..."

"I am pushing the doorbell Tsuna, whaddaya think. How else am I gonna get to the party at Enma's place!" Why though; it's a cat, it should be headbutting the door. This is cuter, I suppose.

Also, should Tsuna have kids, he's going to be the best and most anxious daddy. He will be the diametric opposite of Nana and Iemitsu. "NO PUT THAT DOWN YOU'LL HURT YOURSELF" -- "Daddy, it is a carrot. I'm having my vegetables, and you should take your heart medication."

All together now: D'aaaawww. They look like guest star students on Scooby Doo or something.

Daemon Spade's ring from 328 seems to have possessed Enma's ring as well as Enma himself, judging by how Enma's ring has the same ... tentacle millipedes? ... as Daemon's did. This would be worth theorising about but unfortunately I'm just going HHRRRGGGGGGH DAEMON SPADE DIE IN A FIIIIIRRRRRRRRE.




On the bright side, I do like seeing Reborn smile approvingly when Tsuna makes these firm declarations.

But wow OH WOW NO, NOT ... NOT AT ALL LIKELY seeing as how THE ROOM WOULD BE TORN APART ALSO THE ISLAND ALSO THE PLANET. Except yes, because this is shounen manga and more technically, if you're going to make a gravity-based weapon it wouldn't make much sense to suck your solar system into itself every time you deployed it. Let's pretend that the weapons designer magically made the spheres focus only on the target. Was the designer Cozart? Talbot? It would be awesome if it were Cozart. However, how in the hell would Reborn know the gravitational force of the spheres, don't answer that, it's too ridiculous.

I like that Gokudera thought that the gravity power was psychokinesis at first. <3 thug nerd.

This was one of the best pages of KHR to me. Is Amano Akira going to go there? Yes, she is. She will go all the way.

Tsuna is going to spend the entire next chapter defying the attraction of a black hole, and I'm going to enjoy every second. There should be spaghettification! It would be hilarious.

Once a mafioso ... now a spaghetto!

Sawada Tsunayoshi IS


The resemblance is uncanny, right right amirite?

Full grown lion, full-grown lion, C'MON NUTS, YOU CAN DO IT. Speaking of wishes not to be fulfilled - go to jail, Tsuna, go to jail, Tsuna, ENMA YOU CAN SAVE HIM.

It's more likely that Enma will sacrifice himself so that Tsuna can tearfully promise to haul him out of jail, or that the need for a Prison Break arc will be removed completely (sob) by the revelations of the final key brings and/or whatever trouble Spade is going to stir up. The Vindice will probably release all the prisoners because they'll need the Vongola and Simon's help.

So the lessons I have learned from my fandoms recently are:
2. But sometimes all the country needs is for your mother to watch you ... sleep.

i can't shut up!, fan babble, reborn!, gunnerkrigg court, girl genius

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