There's a bit of Harry Potter series
backstory for James and Sirius, which was written for a charity auction. It seems rough to buy the thing for £25000 and then just about everybody with an internet connection can pay the few cents required for a click, but hopefully whoever bought it scanned it themselves.
I wonder if that means Rowling would go for the Maurauder era if she does write more HP books, as she said a while back. That would be morose: Hey! These people were awesome! And will die miserably. If she wrote anything set immediately after Voldemort's defeat, a lot of the tension would be removed because of the epilogue.
Serious question: Any ideas for where another two or three novels could fit into the Potterverse? Obviously Rowling could sell her grocery list for major cash moneys, but hopefully she's also writing a story to tell a story, rather than aargh blarghing over a keyboard.
Recently I discovered
ygo_rare_pair, which has competitions based around the ship names people have come up with. PEOPLE HAVE COME UP WITH BIZARRE STUFF. A fine example (not even close to the only one) at
the current round, is this: Genesisshipping (People of Kul Elna x Each Other).
This is the best thing that's ever come out of Yu-Gi-Oh fandom.