(no subject)

Feb 17, 2011 16:36

Meme taken from tyra_amria: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous.

These are the ones that have been modified since February first. Which does of course mean there are more, but you don't want to be here all day.

  • 5 times iemitsu
  • female whump - KyokoTsuna
  • Flintstones
  • The Baby Mafia
  • How to - a Shark Attack on a Boat
  • huts
  • spring - Bradley+his wife
  • O you who drain the cup of life, O you who wear the crown
  • GortKomiyan
  • GokuderaShitt P, domestic [we'll share the shelter of my single bed]
  • fic on demand - HibaMuku
  • Sister] MaryFrannie
  • Kyoko + sex toys! She handles it with STYLE AND APLOMB.
    • Context: That is Kyoko Mogami from Skip Beat, who used to work at an inn. It occured to me that she could've walked in on some Very Private things while going about her job.
  • 31_days [Themes] July 2009, I AM INCAPABLE OF DEADLINES
    • It's true
  • spring[]ink
  • CoyoteAnnie
    • NOT IN THAT WAY. They're just both there.
  • drabblllllllllle
  • figures
  • khrfest 4
  • fic. promptly!
  • 31 days eldaflury
  • In brief; in youth I have known; indubitably
  • meme nonkink
  • meme - Giotto's unsolicited relationship advice
  • idk they could meet when Kyoko thinks box animals are demons
    • Kyoko Mogami again! Based on the premise that she and Haru Miura would get on like a bomb.
  • I'm the hero of this story, I don't need to be saved
  • GhitaGiotto
    • Headcanon: female G's full name is Ghita.
  • Just That Lazy
  • there was a poly prompt somewhere, okay
  • miss the ground 1
  • blue jeans girl
  • favourite fictional family unit
  • CobbSaito
  • RockRevy
  • animanga prompt battle
  • Ode to Divorce [Bianchi loves them, and despairs]
  • 31_d Jan 17 The stormmmmm that I believe innnnn
  • IS LEE IN HANNA AGAIN SINCE LAST NIGHT -- I mean. meme prompts. [29 Jan.]
    • I was copy-pasting likely prompts on a request meme (it's a compulsion) and browsing Hanna is Not a Boy's Name fanart, and then saw something suspiciously like squee about Lee and I flipped a little bit. I'm still waiting so there's more of the comic to read, tho.
  • one sentence
  • PazZimmy

Thus, I never finish anything. There's a community on Dreamwidth called Unclutter, based around the practice that each day you throw at least one thing away. For every new thing brought into the house, throw two things away. I'm thinking I should do that with fic.

Yet I am getting more to write by signing up for the Remix Redux challenge this year. A bunch of drabbles I wrote years ago lets me qualify! The challenge has resulted in some of my favourite fics ever, and it looks like an interesting challenge to take a twist to someone's fic that way.

fullmetal alchemist, ouran, black lagoon, hanna is not a boy's name, inception, the queen's thief, skip beat!, reborn!, good omens, gunnerkrigg court

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