A bunch of things

Dec 03, 2010 19:05

Today I had my first peach in months. Summer! December! When did this year get so far?

fannish5 for today: Five characters with the most unfortunate hair styles.
-- Everyone in Yu-Gi-Oh!, at first glance. Joey's hair is the reason I decided not to watch after seeing the first episode. (Well okay, it's the main reason. And obv. that changed later.) It made me feel claustrophobic.

-- Once I read a review that said that, while Christopher Walken is a fine actor, he is always outacted by Christopher Walken's Hair. I'm not sure I agree, but now I can't stop eyeballing Christopher Walken's Hair whenever he appears in something.

-- Everyone in Bleach who has achieved Real Ultimate Power, and also Tatsuki. What up with the mullets, folks? There can be good mullets, but these do not apply.

-- Hibari did not wash his hair for the first five volumes of KHR. There is a reason I thought he looked like the son of Pollution (source: jdillon, this post).

-- Jessie from Pokémon. Because the show never let her use it as a weapon! What else was it for?

If I ever made a mood theme, it would be one image, and it would be the text of the following poem:

The history of my stupidity would fill many volumes.

Some would be devoted to acting against consciousness,
Like the flight of a moth which, had it known,
Would have tended nevertheless toward the candle’s flame.

Others would deal with ways to silence anxiety,
The little whisper which, though it is a warning, is ignored.

I would deal separately with satisfaction and pride,
The time when I was among their adherents
Who strut victoriously, unsuspecting.

But all of them would have one subject, desire,
If only my own-but no, not at all; alas,
I was driven because I wanted to be like others.
I was afraid of what was wild and indecent in me.

The history of my stupidity will not be written.
For one thing, it’s late. And the truth is laborious.

--Account, by Czeslaw Milosz.


yuritoday exists! It's a newsletter comm that started up recently that lists links to femmeslash things in anime/manga and game fandoms.

And for some reason today's picture prompt at staringout completely cracks me up. That's a very unexpected source of comfort.

blaaaargh aaaargh, reborn!, recs, bleach, baa baa memesheep, yu-gi-oh!

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