Fic: No Rest for the Wicked, November/Red - Metal and Wakeful Nights

Nov 11, 2010 22:51

All the cool kids are doing Drabblevember! (That is, 100 word stories each day of November.) All the drabble magic happening around me was seductive, so I'll join in and catch up on the past ten days later.

For my first entry, otpppppppp.

Metal and Wakeful Nights
Fandom: No Rest for the Wicked
Pairing: November/Red
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 100

Near the ends of the earth, November had come to terms with two things about Red: She won't stop following her, and she won't put down the axe.

It had become a relief to have Red's hand untwine knots from her hair, touching her with once-shocking tenderness-but in the other hand, Red's axe-handle dug splintering into November's thigh.

So she took the axe away, its weight of metal and wakeful nights, and Red's relief made both hands shake; made her strange smile real.

Red, in turn, had come to accept that November would always have to give it back.

fic, no rest for the wicked

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