(no subject)

Jul 05, 2010 18:34

Gunnerkrigg Court chapter 28: So much Gamma and Zimmy! ♥ I love that Gamma's getting to be assertive, and yeah, Annie and Zimmy, you really should apologise to poor Jack. Sheesh.

Top right panel: I can't figure out if the spiders are in Zimmy's brain and crawling out, or if she's referring to their habit of sitting on people's heads to catch a ride out of Birminghell. I'm hoping for the latter - otherwise damn, Zimmy. D:

Also sob sob someone one the forums drew fanart even cuter than Gamma dishing out a stern talking-to? Perhaps? Probably on an equal level with that page: Gamma/Zimmy/Jack-ish AAWWWW. Damn it, now my underage OTP is an OT3. They just hold hands, okay. And grow up to have a happy and fulfilling relationship. Filled with hand-holding.

When Jack pops up in the story, occasionally there are comments on the Gunnerkrigg site/forum along the lines of "Yay, a boy! I appreciate that it's rare to have such a lot of girls having power/as the main POV, and that's great, but the guys should get more of the same!" And it makes me inappropriately gleeful that the comic's answer is mostly "no". If the dudes got more spotlight I'd be fine with that, but there's a feeling in the complaints that things aren't being represented in the correct and comfortable way ... hee, no. What I'd like is if the fairies Red and Blue came back.

A fanwork exchange opened for Hanna is Not a Boy's Name, and it took all my power not to ask for "someone crouched over Hanna's neatly splayed-open chest, grinning, holding up an ice-cream scooper". Because I CAN'T STOP THINKING THAT'S WHAT HAPPENED. It goes with canon's candy-coated horror vibe. But from the sign-ups it looks like there are enough people who'd be willing to draw that kind of thing; I'm surprised.

And I swear I didn't fill out my exchange form to be contrary, even if it's the diametric opposite of 95% of the other sign-ups. I apparently just don't have much interest in anyone who's appeared in more than two chapters, er. I would've kept loving Zombie (and Zombie/Hanna) if he had sat in a graveyard being ponderous for 10 years, but the creator said that he actually went travelling. Boring! My thoughts on ConWorth are limited to "Conrad dips him in bleach beforehand, right? Each time? I mean EACH TIME."

Soccer World Cup: This tournament continues to confound and perplex me. What the heck, Argentina? I thought they would win! As for Ghana vs. Uruguay, the Black Stars should be proud of themselves, and I would find real satisfaction in someone going up to Luis Alberto Suarez - and the sodding coach, and possibly the entire Uruguayan team, and gave each of them one hell of a snotklap. "The hand of God and the Virgin Mary" -- it was the hand of a cheat, don't brag. Ugh.
--but the fact that snotklap is on Urban Dictionary lifts my mood rather. I did not remotely expect that! The phrasing of the definition is so dignified. XD

On another and more distressing note, our neighbours have two rabbits and TWO TERRIERS, which happens to be a kind of dog bred specifically for killing rodents. On Saturday this almost came to the conclusion I've been dreading, and the dogs got into the same space as the rabbits. Luckily me and the owner freaked out and yelled in time to get them away from the rabbits. Now every time the dogs make a noise I expect to look over and see something rather like strawberry jam where once was Bunny. Why do these people think their pet set-up is a plan?

hanna is not a boy's name, that ain't right, gunnerkrigg court, that's wrong

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