(no subject)

Apr 11, 2010 18:00

You do not want to click the following link. As it says on the imageboard I found it on: NUKE THE FUCKING OCEAN

It's so large why is it so laaaaaaarge it it it why

A giant sea worm called "Barry" - really, aquarium employees. REALLY - was eating an aquarium's coral and chomping through 20 pound fishing lines when they tried to catch it. Time to NEVER ENTER THE OCEAN AGAIN EVERYONE. (I lie. Went to the beach this morning. BUT THAT THING). The worm's only a metre and a bit in length, it is a cruelty that the photographers make it look so big.

KHR 285

I just want to know what is up with Enma's eyes. Genetically modified, or has KHR done with the sci-fi aspects and returned to magic? A bit of both, maybe. Perhaps the Simon* family is made of genetically modified demons!

*I don't want to go with the translation "Shimon" because it seems to be "Simon":

From the Raw Paradise scan, which was clearer in this instance and happily not edited out or plastered with an enormous watermark.

This thing with Enma and Tsuna and the delicate brushing of hands is hilarious. Sparks flew when they first met--can they recreate that feeling?! And Tsuna & Gokudera give me the warm fuzzies. Obviously they're chill with each other after all this time, but it's clearer now that things have changed a lot since the Daily Life arc. A "GOOD MORNING TENTH!" and a total thug mug from Gokudera, and Tsuna not wetting himself in the slightest warms my heart.

I thought there was something deeply wrong with Hibari's pose in this scene, but it just didn't register at first that they're on a ledge on the other side of the rooftop fence. Though that makes it look rather weird when Adelheid mars Hibari's porcelain skin WITH HER STILETTOS :DDD - AND HIS SHIRT BUTTON?! and he beats her way back ("Not the face!" thinks Hibari. "NOT. THE. FACE."), but considering how perfectly she lands (oh Adelheid. Well now I really do like you) it looks like she used the hit as a springboard and went back over the fence.

Shoulda known that would be her weapon! (But it's kind of nice to get back to this kind of thing instead of box animals.) And I don't mind the pantyshots much, because they're not as gratuitous as these things often are - obviously Adelheid's outfit was designed so her fight scenes would give some boys their jollies, but the focus was more on her (awesome) moves, with the pantyshots as a result rather than the entire point. But I was always very fond of the way Chrome never ever gave a pantyshot, up to the point where her skirt defied gravity to block her underwear from view. Sigh. And if only, if ONLY Adelheid could have got in a real hit rather than doing it via a button. Sure, Hibari is super-powered, especially after future training, but it would have been nice.

One thing that makes me very happy is Tsuna trying to help again - even if by the end of the chapter he's going "This is not my business!!", he ran up to the roof with the intention of stopping Hibari! There is a spine in there yet.

Reborn as actual Tarzan is pretty great. Ha, also great is when Hibari's going "I'm the only one allowed to bring weapons to school THAT'S SO A RULE."

I really want to know what happens next, since the Simon gang aren't outright enemies. I can TASTE the Varia arriving for the ceremony, too, bitter and enraged at the knowledge that Tsuna is Decimo TYL.

Episode 179 - the anime continues making Yamamoto actually interesting!

Because when he says this, he means, "Technically I should have gone for that little zombie boy's jugular." It would've been the only way to finish the match, since he went for a total knockout but made sure to stop short of a killing blow - so this means Yamamoto is now willing to kill, to see it as the best option, and is still repressing the hell of out this in his typical way by using a euphemism about his "easy-going nature". This is A HOT MESS.

It's kind of fantastic (though it will probably be watered down out of existence by next ep), because Yamamoto has been hinted as having to face up to something like this since the "natural-born assassin" comment, but the manga refuses to go there. Yamamoto never really has to give up anything or change his mindset much in order to level up as a fighter or character, and it frustrates me. so much.

8027 senses tingling! It's more a function of main character status than anything else I guess, but this big comfortable soft spot that Yamamoto has for Tsuna is adorable. They would cuddle all day, man.

And the fights are uh almost embarrassingly exciting to me in motion, especially Yamamoto vs. water dragons. Asari Ugetsu has cool moves.

reborn! anime, fan babble, reborn!, invertebrates

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