(no subject)

Sep 21, 2009 17:15

Innocently scrolling through an icon post at thecandystand, and then:

"...Huh. I bet that's how Yamamoto has sex."

KHR 258: I'm ... vaguely interested in Zakuro. A sulky manchild who only wants a rubber duckie for his magma bath is okay too. ...Vaguely.

But man, is one of the sky flame attributes being completely useless? On the other hand, Xanxus would've hurled a liger at Zakuro in no time flat. Where is your leadership, Tsuna and Uni! They stand around like fools and look distressed instead of picking between fight or flight. At least Gokudera and Yamamoto are willing to do something. Psst, translators, you take the piss "with" somebody. Not "on", that's something else entirely.

And I guess this means Uni can't fight, boo hiss. Oh well, if I had a teeny child zombie slave, probably I wouldn't let her have weapons either.

"Quietly", Squalo? QUIETLY? Anyway, incandescent rage is a good look on him. I like him getting sick of the children and going back to assassin mode. What I LOVE is the random meta-panel where GOKUDERA IS A NERD hahaha.

(Amano: Somebody's going to want to make that metaphor in a fanfic!)
Gokudera: Me! Me! I'll do it!
Reborn: Don't be on so much crack.

And why is Gokudera so surprised by this reaction? XDDD

Uni/Squalo is going on the list! If only because Everybody ♥ Uni amuses me, as Squalo doesn't actually seem to give a damn. Oh, I haven't mentioned how that was adorable...

This is adorable.

GOKUDERA'S FAAAAAAACE. This is a "Yes. Would hit it" expression, but with feeling. When has he ever been so blatantly in favour of another person? On first sight, no less. :D It's sort of disturbing how Tsuna's "would hit it" face makes him look about 6, but I still approve of Uni's superpowers.

B for notable things from other chapters, chapter 256, page 14. First thought: Holy shit, Byakuran. I - uh - shit. That really is disturbing. But then the second thought was, he knows the Vulcan nerve pinch!!

Byakuran would be a terrible, terrible, terrible Vulcan. Only Gokudera could be worse.

Back to chapter 258, LAL IT'S LAL LAL, I STILL LOVE YOU IN RETROSPECT ahem, I mean, now it's clear that Uni is a genuine Arcobaleno. More fodder for my theory that she is actually Luce and Aria, then. --Now let Lal do something!

Chapter after chapter and page after page of Gokudera cuteness. I approve.

Shoichi's expression of fond reminiscence FOR NO REASON keeps on coming, he must be so high on painkillers.

Also re: Haru's realtor, a fun fact. The "when bullshitting = worldbuilding" part of my interests comes from the Kokuyo arc, where Leon, Reborn, and the Ninth endeavoured to make Tsuna's life miserable on a panel-by-panel basis in the most ridiculous way possible, and I was crying with laughter. Is this a return to those halcyon days? XD And TSUNA'S EXPRESSION.

I really, really did not expect it to go there. Kind of sort of wish it hadn't needed to...

And Reborn called his favourite perch "Takeshi", that's so - aaww Reborn, you wee bitchslapping bastard with a heart of marshmallows (accessible only to the few and deserving). Awww, Reborn!

I fully thought Kawahira was some ancient uncle too cranky to go outside and get his own ramen! Meanwhile he's Chikusa's good twin?? Or TYL I-Pin did not give up assassination, but found a new and more chill master with somewhat regrettable dietary habits??

Man! When bullshitting = worldbuilding indeed!

Also, I've read up to Bakuman 37, and no!



At least he still shows up later to be adorable, but MR HATTORI. PATIENT, SERIOUS EDITOR EXTRAORDINAIRE.

Bakuman's not quite the self-aware, layered story that the first volume made me think it would be, but I like how the main characters are totally mercenary, the interplay between art and profit, and how everyone can be professional, friendly, and silly at once. And more of the elements I liked from the first volume seem to be making a comeback, plus the other characters get steadily cooler throughout.

Skip Beat! 146: One of the amazing things about this manga is that it made even Sho a sympathetic character, but now that's draining away fast. It's not as gross when Reino wants to win Kyoko's hate so he'll be the "greatest existence inside her", because Reino is a weirdo and pseudo-demonic and doesn't have to make conventional sense, fine. But now Sho's doing it and losing all his dork points, and getting way too close to entirely creepy. EW, SHO.

Kyoko trying to screw his head off and simulating a war is entertaining, though. But I wish she'd kneed him.

And uh. For some reason - okay, interesting spoiler reactions - I looked at the latest Bleach and Naruto, and: that is a damn cool power, and a single tear? A single tear? Really?

bakuman, fan babble, skip beat!, reborn!

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