Hooray for public holidays.

Aug 10, 2009 15:34

Generally incoherent:

Shoichi's life sucks even more than Tsuna's! THAT KID, WOW. He's amazing.

Kikyo's not a woman!

Genny. ;______; No more dot-brows, no more toe-swords, no more fantastic ass, NO MORE NUDIBRANCH . Also, Kikyo is a jerk (and not a woman!), I don't approve.

Yamamoto kills a child with great care and deliberation. This is pretty great.

..........................Amano, I was kidding about the sword-fighting wolves, you didn't have to go and take me seriously.


Useless AU Worst Salaryman Ever Tsuna is canon! Oh no look at him, can even Tsuna beat himself up like that? He must be married to Yakuza Assassin Yamamoto who clubs him round the head with a baseball bat. Awesome Mafia Boss Tsuna looks the shiznit, hee.

TSU. NA. TEN. YEARS. LATER. :D :D :D I wanted him to have a beard! Like Dad. And a scar! He fights all up in people's space, someone should nail him one in the face. Across one eye. Wait, no, Chrome has dibs on the one-eyed look. Tsuna should have THREE. ONE IS A DYING WILL FLAME EYE OF SUPER INTUITION. But I want him to smile exactly like he was smiling, even though I didn't know that until I saw it. BOSS.

Specifically incoherent:


More yes:

The most yes:

Re: 1st rain guardian: DO ALL THE 10 GENERATION GUARDIANS HAVE TO BE EXACT LOOKALIKES? DAMN. But the first one. He plays the flute. And owns no swords. He's clearly a sweetheart, and I am on his side. (What was Giotto doing back in Italy, anyway? And shouldn't Rain #1 have a more modern look if Giotto's already rocking the suit?)


STAY GOLD. ;__________; (Oh, Tsunaaaaaa)

And then when Genkishi does die, Gokudera's the only one to look unaffected, unsurprised. I love that he has a mafia boy perspective on all this, and I want a time to come when he has to do something seriously horrifying.

So, that bit where Tsuna blows up a city because he has no more patience for this nonsense? That bit: it's hot. *GLEE*

Yamamoto looks angry. He just stabbed a ~10-year-old kid through the chest and it was done so quickly, with such certainty in ability and instinct that it's GONE FROM HIS MIND and now he is simply ENRAGED because they've lost. Beautiful.

(Good on ya for the decoration chosen for the Millefiore base, Amano. Just for that moment.)

I love how Tsuna's overwhelmed by thankfulness. He can't say anything else, just THANK YOU. MY HOMEY'S OKAY. Thank you. But Gokudera should be far more upset. Usually he takes minor things to heart, or things that are not really his fault, and now he can easily take a huge portion of the blame for the Choice game going straight to hell - and ... doesn't. Eh??

Aw, that's surprisingly thoughtful. Must be 'cos he needs glasses himself that he remembered about that.

Look, Tsuna, Gokudera, you guys let Shoichi DIE. YOUR FAULT. This is not the time to come yelling at him about why you're fighting! At least call Ryohei to come heal him first, you jackasses.

Shoichi wanted to be a musician. Aaaaww. Just aaaaawwww. Even burning his textbooks for it! What a cutie.

Bahahaha. 1) Who lets someone called the Poisonous Scorpion have the task of healing someone?! 2) Which doesn't stop me from having made up head-canon about such a situation before, where Bianchi tortures people by putting salt in their wounds, and consequently heals them by putting sugar in. Gokudera protests that this is THOROUGHLY STUPID and then it works. XD

Shoichi's female bandmate looks awesome, and check the bottom right panel, BAND AU DINO WANTS TO BEAT HIM UP. THESE ARE ONLY THE FACTS, PEOPLE. Also I love how these chapters are an opportunity for Tsuna to make faces again!



Mayan/Olmec/Aztec/SOMETHING ALONG THOSE LINES-based civilisation! *___* I can't decide if it would be too much to expect, or exactly right to expect that Amano would exploit these canon AUs. Can't you see it? Legit band AU Vongola. Dinosaur cowboys Varia. Corporation Kokuyo. Cavallone Viking hordes.

It's pretty hypocritical of me to say this, but DINO, QUIT DRESSING LIKE YOU'RE HOMELESS. You don't wear a parka-thing almost down to your knees unless have no choice, or you are in your own house and possibly watching Passions.

Crackshipper go! It's been so long since Bianchi and Yamamoto shared space. :D (Also nice to see the kids with Haru and Kyoko. They keep disappearing, because they're so short, I guess.) I miss when Yamamoto thought that Bianchi's kinda hot (and nuts) and then there was that adorable Kokuyo arc rivalry.

"Ironically, it was the time I would enjoy most in my life..." And then it's destroyed, but he works right on through it. Shoichi is A LEGEND. And needs a hug. Somebody hug him, dammit. You, Tsuna, he fixed your bike! Hop to it. (Which, by the way, d'aaaww. Although the connection between the bike and the Vongola boxes, I couldn't begin to know.)

I like that they remembered about 20YL Lambo, and I also like that it was Gokudera who remembered in particular. I suppose he's the best suited to take note of darker undertones, since Tsuna and Yamamoto would tend to ignore that kind of thing. But I don't want Lambo to live in this!

But he mentioned reporting to the police about his missing horns (which were like, STOLEN FROM THE FUTURE so he could use them in his Ring Battle fights!? Iemitsu, Bovino famiglia, what are you doing?), so maybe his future isn't as ... obliterated as most of the others are. The infinite multiverse must contain a place where Byakuran isn't such a dick?

You could argue that the fact that he's alive cheapens the story, as it decreases the magnitude of the threat that Byakuran and the Millefiore represent, but to my mind the death of Tsuna, ten years later, served its impact where it needed to. Man, I stared at the image of young Tsuna sitting up in that coffin for like ten minutes, I couldn't go to the next page without going back and staring some more because what. Similarly with the reappearance of Shoichi ("I wait 100+ chapters for the required megane character to come back and he KILLS EVERYONE I LOVE??"), and then the subsequent revelation that he was on the Vongola side. The doom and gloom was ramped up at the beginning of the arc because that was needed to create instant drama and confusion; it was the hook. Now the story needs hope, we need excitement and revelation, we need ways to believe that the Vongola kids aren't screwed six ways from Sunday.

And we need to know that Tsuna, ten years later, is - how do you say ... one seriously GQ motherfucker who will make plans to the best of his considerable capabilities, who is clever and hopeful, and hey, if you act the fuck up? BACK THE FUCK UP. /o/ BYAKURAN'S GOING DOWN.

Oh man, this gives me a giddy ooh-new-fandom! feeling that makes me want to read a stack of fic, but goodness knows I've already gutted the entire fandom, and that was wrong anyway. What I really want is to read about TYL Tsuna, whether he's making out with anyone from Pantera to Byakuran to Kyoko (yes please!), being a GQ motherfucker, getting punched in the nose by Gokudera, I don't care! TSUNA.

You still let him die, you know - though I guess Tsuna planned deliberately to keep Gokudera out of it, so the blame doesn't go Gokudera's way, and oh fuck, his face. It's all he wants. It's a month ago and he's had his own Tenth right in front of him the whole time, and this still gets him where it hurts.

Should have known it would be a dying will-type bullet. How do you even do that, Shoichi? The ONE bullet that Tsuna is shot with is the ONE that Shoichi put in as replacement ... omg was Shoichi the one who had to do the shooting? That would. Um. !!!!!!

Uni's not deadfaced! Byakuran looks like he's about to kill her with his teeth! EVERYTHING IS WONDERFUL.

meta, reborn!, incoherency is a go, omg heart

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